Yet ANOTHER example of how pussified the world has gotten. At this point it doesn't even take the usual two or three whiners to send a Dustin Hoffman running for cover, or send an Al Franken out of the Senate. All it takes is, what? A mumbling bunch of lazy low-paid drones taking a few hours off on a Spring-like day in Mid-Manhattan? One shrill nagger who has made a career out of one incident that may not have happened at all?
The "Beer Hall Putsch" was Adolf Hitler's (failed) insurrection against the Weimar Republic. Michael Pietsch's PUTSCH is sweating like a chunk of rancid pork (praise the memory of my late friend Brother Theodore) and pulling the plug on Woody Allen's memoir.
Pietsch thought that Woody's book was well worth publishing...until...what...a few of his irreplaceable Starbucks slurpers took a little stroll? REALLY? This guy had no idea that he had Pink-Bow-Lips Ronan ready to huff and puff? That Woody hasn't been dogged constantly for over a decade by one pouting and shrieking voice declaring that the world should do as she wants?
Nice...Dylan Farrow has gotten more revenge, but it will never be enough. Eventually she'll go completely bonkers and demand that some deputy from Texas arrest Woody Allen and haul him onto death row, and just wait till the little lady can come down and set off "Old Sparky" in person.
Hooray for DYLAN FARROW, and a big FUCK YOU for Freedom of Speech, innocent until proven guilty, and the notion that the MOB should not RULE.
Well, Woody, the fact is, almost NO authors make money anymore, you can go on eBay and see a bunch of Sri Lankan assholes peddle "ebook only" and "PDF only" bootlegs for $1 to $5 of just about any recent book, and if you have a famous name...AMAZON DOWNLOAD will get your tome in front of your fans. It's quite possible that Amazon won't wimp out like Michael Pietsch, and declare that a charge that never made it to prosecution is enough to ruin a man's life.
Anyone want to go through an entire list of Pietsch's current titles, and scrutinize EVERY author, and EVERY topic, and decide how many of those books should be BURNED? I mean, let's not just ask Dylan Farrow what we should or shouldn't read...let's find a few more obsessed people, some crackpots, some conspiracy theorists, some social justice warriors, some self-rightous PC's (that's pricks and cunts) and have them ALL dictate what should be allowed in AMERICA. How far do you take the PUTSCH, Mr. PIETSCH?
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