Happily, there are a FEW affluent outlets out there. On radio, of course, there's the sublimely irrelevant NPR, where most any hour you can find somebody with a mopey, murmuring voice mewling about some trivia or other...why there's no grapes in Grape Nuts...whether Schubert died of syphillis...whether Schubert died of undigested Grape Nuts...
Then there's The Wall Street Journal. Hey, affluent stockbrokers, landlords and bankers, and Hedge Fund weasels might want to pause from their chicanery, or sniffing a line off the front page, to read something they can laugh at? I mean, besides the foreclosure letters the secretary had 'em sign, the Chapter 11 forms that relieve them on debts and let them rack up more, or reading over contracts to make sure the fine print is hard to read and the fool who signs it doesn't realize how much money he WON'T get...
Ah. The New Jersey Governor used the term "Knucklehead." Cue an article filled with a) a huge photo of The Three Stooges (ok, always welcome) and b) an easily Googled bit of research on the ORIGIN of the term. Here you go. (PS, affluent people don't mind subscribing to The Wall Street Journal online and getting ALL these fine, fine features. Everyone else is either limited to one or two articles a month, or maybe a warning that NOTHING is available as long as you use Adblocker to help your eyes from going bloodshot).
Here then, nice and puffy:
Only in the rather dry world of the Wall Street Journal, would ANY politician in general, and the GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY in particular, be admirably quoted as some kind of Will Rogers of wit and wisdom for "pushing back" against another dull-ass politician and defending the use of a nearly archaic word from 1930's movies.
Oh yes, and if you're going to reference The Three Stooges, dig down deep into that lame pocket of cliche, and in your piece with a last word from Curly.
Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
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