As Bill Dana used to say, it's nice to see him "play nice."
Especially if you get a lot of angry comments denouncing your stupidity. Lincoln's Republican party has nothing to do with the current Republican party of Dubya Bush or Donald Trump, or their tea-bagger pals with their "Libtard" taunts and their smirky "don't tell me about guns if you kill unborn babies" shit.
Fact is, "freeing the slaves," isn't quite the same thing as giving them the chance to enjoy their lives like everyone else. It didn't happen in the South where there was a thing called "SEGREGATION."
Guess who set about fixing that, Rob. It wasn't Eisenhower and his Republicans. It was JFK and LBJ. Should I be as stupid as you, and Tweet, "The Republicans haven't been this happy since Martin Luther King Jr. was shot?"
I don't think anyone was that thrilled with either Hillary or Donald. Or as Mort Sahl used to say (back when he was funny), "Darwin was Wrong."
The world could use a good laugh. I don't think they'll get any on December 9th.
If I was still editing RAVE (the magazine George Carlin called "The Wall Street Journal" for comedians, and the one John Cleese posed holding), I wouldn't send anyone to cover that show.
But in the spirit of "say something nice about Rob Schneider" and letting the "healing process" begin, I'll point out TWO things. First, despite Ebert's "Your movie sucks," Rob sent the man flowers when he was beginning cancer treatment.
And secondly, "The Hot Chick" didn't suck.
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