Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"Lying Hillary" is late, too, and SO MEAN TO BOOK FANS - spins the Post

We all know the NY Post is right wing. In some ways it's good (they LOVE to dis Mayor DeLousio for such things as allowing nude idiots in Times Square and panhandling morons in trademarked cartoon and superhero outfits). On other ways, not so much.

Like Huffity-Puffity and so many "fake news" websites, the Post promotes its columnists (people who simply have an asshole and an opinion) as being reporters. That's not the same thing. When you REPORT, you are supposed to be factual. When you're a columnist, you can slant your ass off (while remaining an asshole).

Maureen somebody or other delightedly went down to Barnes & Noble to slant a piece on Lying Hillary, and how egotistical and awful-awful-awful she is. Why, she MADE people stand in line in the heat (it was balmy). She had special rules (no different than any other celebrity doing Barnes & Noble signings) and she didn't personalize the books or pose for selfies (and most celebrities at these signings DON'T).

What an ego. She holds up a copy of her book. Authors shouldn't be proud of publishing a book, or showing people what the cover looks like so they can find it in a store. Has Maureen written a book? Done a signing? Had people waiting on line all morning? I guess not.

This is what the media does. It spins. If it does it AGAINST Trump, it's "fake news." If it does it against a Democrat such as Hillary Clinton, why, it's all right.

For the record, and I've been to dozens of Barnes & Noble signings (from Mike Tyson and George Foreman to Rudy Giuliani and Bill Clinton), wristbands are always handed out, and fans are warned only a limited number of books are available and that the author won't be around all day. To guard against eBay gouging, the number of books anyone can get is always limited when it's a big name. Also, to avoid gouging and time-wasting, most stars do NOT pose with idiots for selfies, and do NOT sign photos, toys, DVD covers, older books etc., just so parasites can make money on eBay.

Maureen here grouses that the point of Hillary's evil book signing was to push her book to #1. That's the point of Caitlyn Jenner's book signing, and William Shatner's book signing and EVERY book signing involving a major celebrity who was paid huge money to have a book out. Maureen also whines that Hillary is involved in "surcharging" at events. You mean, like William Shatner demanding $150 to sign something at Comic Con, and looking pretty sulky about signing his own book for list price?

Again, most celebrities "generically" sign books. It saves time. I was at a Bill Cosby signing. Some guy begged, "Could you write To Susan, I want to give it to her as a birthday gift!" A Barnes & Noble employee next to Bill instantly interrupted, "No personalizing." To which Bill called out, "Nice try!" Which got a laugh.

Sometimes, even with "generic" signers, you get a bonus. Rudy Giuliani and I had a nice minute or two talk about old New York Yankees players, and no Barnes & Noble employee dared to say, "Let's keep the line moving" to the mayor. Bill Clinton? He also took time to be a bit chatty, and he shook hands with everyone. I mentioned to him the irony that his competition was Darrell Hammond, signing books at another Barnes & Noble at the same time. Bill said, "Sometimes he does me better than me!"

And so the spin goes. Clinton "sauntered in." I think, if I was catty, I could've said that when Chita Rivera arrived for her signing, or Jane Fonda, or my own sister. One might argue that all women "saunter" into their book signings.


"She's not going to speak?" "This is all you're getting." The bigger the celebrity and the longer the line, the less likely the speech. And haven't we all heard enough Hillary Clinton speeches? Mike Tyson didn't speak. George Foreman didn't speak. William Shatner didn't speak. Michael Caine didn't speak. Bill Cosby didn't speak. And no, Bill Clinton didn't speak either.

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