Tuesday, September 5, 2017

MADE YA LOOK! NY POST's Freak Pandering Gets da Clicks


That's what you've got at the NY POST. As well as the Huffity Puffity Post. Breitbart. Decider, Plagiarizer, Re-writer, Newser, and the rest.

It's all about getting traffic and getting those almighty CLICKS. "See how many people looked at our idiotic article on McGregor's bulge? On Kardashian's ass? On any wardrobe malfuntion we coyly censor? Doomsday headlines that just speculate on something bad happening? Horror stories that actually aren't?

"Advertise with us! We need more idiot Banner Ads flashing. More TV screen pop-ups. Don't worry, we'll find ways of making people endure all this crap and see your worthless ad!"

Today's scare was...ooooh, look at those hands! This guy is a rowing star. He'll never row again.

At least, that's what the HEADLINE suggested.

The article went into dire detail about how a bunch of rowing nitwits were out to break world records (for navigating a boat in icy waters, or something) and their equipment gave out. They were stranded for days with no relief from the cold. Eventually they made for land.

And the happy ending? Our rower with the horrific injuries...healed.

That's a creative way of making something out of nothing. You can imagine the smirking at the New York Post: "This should grab attention!" "It'll make people look, ha ha!"

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