Thursday, January 10, 2019

KIM KARDASHIAN : The new NORMAN MAILER and...our next VICE PRESIDENT. PS - Leslie Van Houton, who?


You remember where she came from? The gutter. A porn leak. After a non-entity named Paris Hilton became famous for a porn leak and a semi-known last name...KIM KARDASHIAN made headlines.

Kim who? The daughter of WHO? Oh, Robert Kardashian was one of the MANY lawyers who defended creepy O.J. Simpson. His an ambitious "momager" ready to parlay amateur porn video fame into a career for her daughter? The ex-Mrs. Robert Kardashian ended up marrying "Bruce" Jenner? Ah yes. And we are all suffering from no end to Kardashian and Jenner sisters. But let's get back to getting away with murder.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, America's "ROYAL COUPLE," are so beloved and powerful that they both get the attention of our Reality Show President, Donald Trump. Kim has been to the White House to lobby on issues based on her expertise as...a sleazy constantly-nude celebutard? She went on to demand the release of a teenage whore who murdered a man in cold blood.

AND...she got it.

Cyntoia Brown, whom we would call a "sex worker" because whore is perjorative, was "forced" into a life of crime. Somehow, thousands if not millions of girls her age did NOT turn to prostitution or drug dealing or any type of crime. She did. Society's Child apparently had a very mean pimp. Guess what. Even high-priced call girls can have those. Even legal "sex workers" in Nevada can have nasty bosses who overwork the women and perhaps even feed them drugs.

The pimp didn't seem to be around when Brown made herself available to some white cracker in a pick-up truck. The story goes that they talked for a while in a restaurant, made a deal, and off she went. Alone. No pimp following in a car to make sure she was ok. Instead of a motel, they went to the man's place. According to her own testimony, this good ol' boy (a part time Sunday School teacher...really?) was polite, didn't force himself on her, and even showed off his neat-o rifle collection.

She claimed this made her nervous. The guy should've been the one who was nervous. You show off your guns to a whore you picked up? But, happily for him, she was not about to steal any of his rifles. She had her own weapon.

They were in bed together, and she wasn't too interested, and this rather nice cracker didn't demand what he paid for. He rolled over, and that's when she took out a gun and blew his head off. She then robbed him and left.

Pretty sad but simple story isn't it? The spin was that she killed this guy because (let's all sing along) "She was ONLY SIXTEEN...."

She was young. She'd had enough of prostitution. She snapped. Rather than leave this guy, brandishing her weapon in case he tried to stop her, she shot him in the back. Back of the head. This isn't a case of self-defense. It's not "stand your ground" or "lie your ground" in bed and don't let the customer get snotty with you. This was a bullet to the brain. This cracker didn't know what hit him.

Kim Kardashian and a few other ME TOO people decided that Brown had served another time. It wasn't her fault. Never mind her record of erratic behavior, and never mind that she actually KILLED someone who did her no harm, and that she fled with his money. It wasn't her fault. CLEMENCY, please.

Well, what star-struck Governor can resist Kim Kardashian? He's seen her fat-ass photos? He's fallen under the spell of her gigantic cow-eyes? He's stared at the miles and miles of her upper and lower lips? He's heard all about her gold-plated toilet seats? Brown is now FREE.

TARANA BURKE, one of Time Magazine's heroines, took a minute to pen TWO WHOLE PARAGRAPHS about this. No mention of Brown's crime, how she shot a guy in the back of the head, or that THIS guy was not her PIMP. How come our poor teen prostitute didn't shoot her damn pimp in the head? Aw, it's ok, this was just a white cracker. A john. He solicited a whore and he got what he deserved. Reverse sexism at its finest.

The murder victim is no victim at all. We've got an unjustly accused and sentenced feminist who simply had enough of being a prostitute. Why should she shoot her pimp? Why should she even shoot a guy who was giving her a bad lay for pay? No, she snapped as this guy lay half-asleep with his back turned. WHAT A HEROINE. And let's feel so sorry for all the rest out there, that we give them a free pass the next time a john gets shot in the head for being sad enough to pay for a woman. Not rape. Pay.

Kardashian is the new Norman Mailer.

Years ago, Norman Mailer championed a psycho named Jack Abbott. Norman was impressed with Jack's book, "In the Belly of the Beast," and hey, if I guy can WRITE, he can't be all bad.

Norman knew that for a fact. In a rage, he stabbed his wife in the belly, and nearly killed her. His excuse was that he was kind of wired. Temporarily nuts. You know, like Cyntoia Brown was temporarily nuts when SHE assaulted somebody who was unarmed.

Jack Abbott was given clemency, and went nuts and killed a waiter in a restaurant. Aw, he "snapped" again. Poor Jack. And poor Norman, because that kind of thing can make a guy feel guilty. And wasn't he feeling a little sheepish already about his now-divorced wife, who still told interviewers what happened to him? Some of Norman's literary rivals also took great pleasure in bringing up that incident.

Norman Mailer eventually joined Jimmy Breslin in an attempt to take over New York City. Mayor Breslin? Deputy Mayor Mailer? Whatever. The farce failed.

Today? Today, when a reality show star who bankrupted his own casinos runs for President...he WINS. Anyone want to bet on whether a ticket of Kim and Kanye couldn't win in 2020 or 2024? Kanye has already boasted that he might run for President. Kim would bolster the female vote!

I suppose at this point, I should mention that I met Norman Mailer. That Norman even drew a full page (8x11) self-portrait for me. He was one of our great writers. That he had flaws, did some dangerous and foolish things, can't be denied.

As one of the few FEMINISTS around, I have fought, for over 15 years now, for the rights of women, and my main target was, and continues to be, the abuse of all women on EBAY, where fake images and stolen images and "found" images are sold in their "adult" area of the site with NO permission and NO model releases of age and consent. I have enlisted many famous name celebrities in my cause, and they know from my writings, including my book "Sweethearts of 60's TV," the kind of respect and admiration I have for women. idea of a hero is not Jack Abbott, and my idea of a heroine isn't a hooker who goes nuts (or maybe she was perfectly sane at the time) and takes out her rage on some sad slob who did her no harm. I don't think talentless idiots like Kim Kardashian should be given audiences with governors or presidents and taken seriously. I think it's very wrong to pretend that the clemency in this case is deserved because the woman is somehow innocent and should never have been jailed. This was a murder. There was NO justification for it. It was NOT self-defense.

You want to say that a 16 year-old shouldn't be locked up forever? You want to say, as Norman Mailer said about Jack Abbott, that she's "changed" and is no longer a threat? Go ahead. It's your opinion. You might get lucky and somebody will agree. But whether it's a female or a male, do NOT trivialize the victim, or in the case of the great TARANA BURKE, not even mention the victim's name in cheering about a killer's release.

PS, where is TARANA BURKE in demanding that EBAY stop selling fake and stolen images of celebrities? Where is the great Gloria Allred? The excuse is that they can't be everywhere, right? Allred can't be bothered putting together a class-action lawsuit demanding money from EBAY and PAYPAL for their obnoxious and illegal activities. Allred can't ask the fabulous TISH JAMES, Attorney General, to either put forth a bill, or underline FEDERAL LAW and make sure that all Internet sites have permission to post nude images or the sites get blocked.

Here's hoping that Cyntoia Brown will not be another Jack Abbott, but rather, like the wonderful Squeaky Fromme, live out her life in harmless obscurity. And lastly, speaking of high profile criminals: Leslie Van Houton.

Where is TARANA BURKE on this? Why is it that the Governor of Tennessee pardoned a killer and the Governor of California has REJECTED the findings of his own PAROLE BOARD, and kept Leslie Van Houton locked up? Van Houton did not kill anyone. She abused an already dead body, yes, but she was not much older than Cyntoia Brown at the time, and she's been a model prisoner for the many decades she's been imprisoned.

The message sent in the Brown case, is that johns should think twice before hiring underage sex workers. Or sex workers who might be on drugs. Or might just be crazy. Never mind that many sex workers are fighting to BE sex workers and want prostitution completely legitimized. The message in the Brown case is that a woman who kills somebody might just be an innocent victim who had every reason to be threatened by an unarmed man, in a situation where she was free to leave.

The message sent in keeping Leslie Van Houton locked up, is that nobody can EVER be rehabilitated? That prison is NOT about rehabilitation? That what a drugged-up stupid girl did in her youth can keep her locked up even when she's a wrinkled old lady with a perfect record in teaching inmates and counseling them? Isn't TARANA BURKE interested in the fate of a woman whose misguided youth also involved a pimp-like manipulator?

Maybe what Leslie Van Houton needs at this point is a few nice words from KIM KARDASHIAN.

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