Thursday, September 19, 2019



Which is more important and impressive, New York hotels trying to save the ecology by reducing plastic container trash...

....or some fat slob glutton winning a zeppole eating contest?

It seems AMNY figured it was much more admirable and exciting to report on jackasses wasting food than thinking people trying to preserve natural resources.

A report on "SUSTAINABLE TOILETRIES" got 1/8th of a page in the newspaper.

A report on an asshole who flushed 54 half-digested zeppoles down the toilet? OVER HALF A PAGE.

Nothing says "America" more than WASTE. Americans are hated all over the world for the way they WASTE FOOD.

While people in India or Somalia or other nations go to bed hungry, and would be grateful for a bag of rice tossed from a helicopter, idiots in America stage EATING CONTESTS.

A moronic street fair was held in Little Italy (and it IS Little now, occupying only a few blocks due to gentrification). A company that makes zeppole (unhealthy "fired balls of dough, sprinkled with powdered sugar") decided to call attention to themselves NOT by giving some away, but by having an EATING CONTEST.

"I'm in shock to see someone eat 54 zeppoles in six minutes," one moron is quoted in the paper as saying. "I'm also happy and pleased and proud to see so many people here." Sure, give the public what they want; the spectacle of gluttony. Food is entertainment. It's snacks. It's a pastime. It's not for sustenance. That's why the nation is FAT.

"On Saturday there will be a meatball eating contest...and a macaroni and cheese eating contest..." AMNY reported.

If some church group handed them a press release asking for donations to their soup kitchen, would AMNY even print it?

Meanwhile, that 1/8th article: "Hotel groups back push for sustainable toiletries."

A state bill introduced by Sen. Todd Kaminsky, NOT yet passed, would ban "single-use plastic personal care products such as shampoo, conditioner, lotion and hard soap" in hotels.

It's not a DONE DEAL like a zeppole-eating contest. It seems if there's something good going on that involves preservation and not WASTE, it requires a little persuasion. Kaminsky's "bill has the backing of the Hotel Association of New York City and the New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association."

That's very nice of them, but it's also good for the hotels. They're going to save a lot of money on free toiletries. They'll shrug and tell the tourists to go down to the lobby store and BUY large containers of shampoo, lotion and liquid soap. But at least this idea is good for the economy and the environment.

The idea of eating contests as "good publicity" for any food vendor is nauseating. You don't exactly need to encourage people to eat hot dogs, zeppole, macaroni and cheese or meatballs. If AMNY ran a coupon for "10 cents off" they'd get a crowd. "Two for one" and it would be a stampede. Too bad some people promoting events are too stupid to know how to run a promotion the right way. As for eating contests, all that food goes in another direction: down the toilet.

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