Italians should only be played by Italians. Blacks should only be played by blacks and the correct color of brown should be observed. And if there's a biography of Roger Waters, the actor should have some affiliation with the Nazi party.
Then I heard that the white actor in question was NOT playing Malcolm X or Jackie Robinson, but Michael Jackson...I thought...and what IS the problem? The latter day Michael Jackson was, let's be honest, was WHITE.
Michael insisted he didn't bleach himself, but suffered a convenient disease that somehow rendered his entire body a brighter shade of pale. It also gave him a dimple on his chin and a pointy nose and long straight hair.
Years before his demise, he endured all the jokes about being "Wacko Jacko," and looking like a white woman. It would not have surprised him at all, if he was portrayed by a Caucasian. Who knows he might've been flattered by it, if the Caucasian was John Travolta.
Still, I could understand the problem, in this oh-so-PC world. A black should always be played by a black.
Here, a white actor was playing a black guy who had turned white.
What an OUTRAGE.
What an INSULT.
It was even a kerfuffle.
Naturally, I have so much Kardashian and Jenner news to digest (via the Ulcerative London Daily Mail among others), I lost track of this important story. Till today.
After the Princess of the World (Michael Jackson's ADOPTED daughter Paris) proclaimed she was NOT amused, the British TV network, government, and pound sterling all collapsed. Good LORD. If PARIS has objected, we surely know that BLANKET will say something negative, too, and we couldn't stand THAT.
Up until I saw the clip, I thought Paris Jackson was angry that her adopted Daddy was being portrayed by a homely white guy in an actual, sincere BIO pic.
Then I saw a promo from the show, which I'd never heard of. It turns out to be a comedy series.
Jackson was NOT being portrayed seriously by Ralph Fiennes.
He was being played FOR LAUGHS by some guy named Joseph Fiennes.
So WHAT exactly is the problem with just another jab at Wacko Jacko for looking like ridiculous white androgyne?
Would Paris Jackson have been happier with a serious drama of Michael Jackson the Pedophile, as long as the star was Denzel Washington?
I now say, to Paris Jackson, Paris Hilton, Blanket Jackson (who needs to change the name to Black-it Jackson)...I fully understand why you are in agony. It's because you have no brains or any sense of humor.
Fer Chrissake, IT WAS A COMEDY. That's all it was. Cartoons, parodies and celebrity tweets always make a celebrity look silly, and come on, Jackson was one SILLY looking creature by the time he was in court on pedophilia charges.
In the clip I saw, some very unpleasant actors aside from Fiennes, did their insulting impersonations of Brando, Dylan and Liz Taylor, among others.
Was the guy who played Brando an ITALIAN? Was the Dylan guy a JEW? Was the Taylor woman actually a woman or some guy in drag?
What next? Thames goes back and re-cuts "The Benny Hill Show" to take out the segments where he impersonated Shirley Bassey?
It's NEVER a good idea to censor COMEDY.
What's the charge here, anyway? COMEDY is supposed to be OFFENSIVE.
There have been jokes about Jackson looking white, and MANY have come from black comedians.
Let's remember that even the mildest comedy is offensive. Is there anything really adorable about hitting somebody with a pie?
How about "take my wife...please."
Sitcom jokes are 90% insult. Characters say rude things about each other and everybody laughs. At least, the canned laughter suggests you're supposed to.
All the sulkers who are picking on THIS silly British comedy show as an example of bigotry, need to LIGHTEN UP. (Get it?)
You people have brain cells? Something called MEMORY?
Then maybe you remember when that horrible racist Jay Leno was telling pedo jokes about your beloved Jacko.
Want more? Hey, PARIS JERKSON, you want MORE jokes about Daddy? Just google "Michael Jackson Jokes" and you'll find dozens of websites full of them. Stuff like...
Where do we draw the line? Jokes about his molestation trial are ok, but not about his turning white?
Revisionist thinking loonies are pointing out Jacko's tearful tale of how he had a rare disease that caused his skin to change color. So he did what, had a plastic surgeon bleach the rest of it to match? Nobody noticed any rare white marks on this guy when he was strutting through "Thriller" or grabbing his crotch on stage every night.
Jackson conveniently insisted his whiteness was not his doing. He also insisted he had no plastic surgery, right? He claimed he MAY have had a little procedure for a deviated septum or something, but the nose being pointy? The chin being sculpted? The hair turning straight?
Well, let's get back to this stale, silly TV show poking fun at long dead stars, including Brando and Liz Taylor.
All this white guy was doing, was playing Michael Jackson as he looked before he leaped into his grave: WHITE. And RIDICULOUS.
"Politically correct" should not determine what's funny. We saw that on SNL, when Fred Armisen, a guy of some kind of mixed race, was no longer allowed to impersonate Obama, who is HALF WHITE. The role went to Jay Pharaoh, who is ALL BLACK.
Never mind that Obama is HALF WHITE. Or that Armisen's complexion was actually closer to Obama's than Jay's.
The Royal Ms. Jackson crowed about her triumph. After all, it was HER anger that finally had the British TV execs cringing and crawling and dropping the show.
Y'all got that?
Did ya, y'all?
Did y'all read the line where Paris Jackson, uses the black vernacular, "y'all?"
She was standing up for her BLACK FATHER, y'all.
Paris Jackson, y'all, writes like a BLACK WOMAN. And does she look like her BLACK FATHER?
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