From the safety of Academia, some smug ass-wipe named Randa Jarrar hurled vulgarity about the deceased Barbara Bush. I mean, vulgarity.
The phrase the PROFESSOR used was FUCK OUTTA HERE.
That's why this ass-wipe gets the same here. The brainless fat-faced double-ugly cunt.
HOW UGLY? TAKE A LOOK. This is a Professor, not the tattooed fat lady at a Circus Freak Show.
I know. We can't have tattoo shaming. We acknowledge that Academia is so dumbed down, anyone who has the attention span to read a fortune cookie can be hired as a professor. But "FUCK OUTTA HERE" regarding a deceased First Lady means the gloves are off and ALL the words can be used. Right back atcha, Randa, you cheese-faced arrogant load of shit.
I know nothing about Randa Jarrar other than that she plays the race card, and has one of those cushy jobs where all she had to do is natter about her poor self and her people, and she gets paid way too much for it. Like too many provocateurs at colleges today, the more outspoken and OUT THERE you are, the more wimpy whites applaud and cheer you. There IS a limit. Or there should be.
Rowdy Ranting Randa Tweeted "the witch is dead" over Barbara Bush, and hoped for all the Bush family to drop, too. When she got Tweets of protest for this insane remark, The Nutty Professor doubled down with more, including that most Professorial of debate phrases: "FUCK OUTTA HERE."
Read it for yourself. I'll just preface it by saying that I'm NO fan of idiot Dubya Bush, I don't think too much of George H.W. Bush either, and you won't find ME spending time on Twitter following Sean Hannity and screaming about Libtards. BUT..."the witch is dead" on Barbara Bush? Who, besides a paranoid, hateful, psychotic NUT would be happy that a woman past 90, who never held public office, has died?
Barbara Bush was a wife and mother. She wasn't exactly a Jackie Kennedy or a Michelle Obama or even Lady Bird Johnson. She didn't give speeches or offer high-profile inspiration regarding education, nutrition, or even the cleanliness of highways. Allegedly Nancy Reagan influenced her husband's views. Barbara didn't. Not the husband or her son.
Her death, which was expected, didn't even get the hoopla for the birth of royal baby #3 in England! And yet this hummus-brain Fresno State professor went into a goading rage about it. When you TWEET, you are intending to upset, annoy and bother people. And she did it with vulgarity.
A Fresno State University Professor! With what credentials? Teaching what courses? What qualifications do you need to get a professorship at this idiotic dump? All you need is to be the fight color and religion for PC white morons?
FRESNO STATE? The intellectual hub of the world, is it? They needed a provocateur? Or they needed to "diversify" and hire a loudmouth psycho-bitch? They got Randa because a few other universities already have the antisemitic crackpots, and the old fashioned radical black professors with the African name-changes and their curriculums of Malcolm X as Hero etc. etc.
How AMAZING is it, that a well-fed (fat faced) professor, playing the race card, is being defended for being so coarse, so childish, so disgusting, as to rant "the witch is dead" and "FUCK OUTTA HERE" about a dead First Lady while thousands are mourning her?
Let's run those Tweety-sweety words of hers back:
That's what a professor at Fresno State University says, and is defended for saying?
Now what exactly did Barbara Bush do to deserve this? "Raised a war criminal," shouts Randa. Tweets being what they are, there's no room for the professor to elaborate, or offer footnotes, or a link to some paper she wrote with fund money? She just does her name-calling?
Randa Jarrar sounds more like a street-level rapper than a college professor with "FUCK OUTTA HERE."
Randa, if you want to go after every mother or father who you think is a "Criminal" of some type, you may need to find a PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR to give your brain a good douche. Barbara Bush raised SIX children, including Neil and Jeb. But Randa thinks Barbara specifically designed George W. to become a "war criminal?" Babs had a blackboard in the nursery and wrote: "Kill Muslims" on it?
I think you're more likely to find blackboards in the Middle East with "FATWA" on it, and "KILL INFIDELS." Maybe Assad's "witch" mommy had a blackboard with "Kill Your Own People" on it. But in this fairyland of Academia, and overboard PC tolerance to REVERSE racism, it's ok for a professor, with apparently little qualifications or IQ, to spend her time cheering a mother's death.
Randa is too smug to check with a HISTORY professor or some authority on the Middle East in general, to explain the complexities of how you deal with Syria or Iran or Iraq and how Muslim leaders have smiled and condoned the murders of Coptic Christian Arabs, Christians and Jews and even doctors without borders trying to help the sick. Randa MIGHT want to take a course at a decent college, on how Muslims are "war criminals" to their own kind, and if there's no Christian or Jew around, will happily slice the neck of a Sunni or Shi'ite or some woman who took off her burqa for a moment to spit out some bad hummus. Randa might also want to hit the gym to try not to be a fat fuck, as some people overseas might take one look at this cow and mistake her for a typical overfed AMERICAN.
Randa responded to her criticism by, of course, playing the race card and braying about her own race, as if Asians, Jews, Mexicans and even WASPs don't have tales of discrimination and misery:
"If you'd like to know what it's like to be an Arab American Muslim American woman with some clout online...look at the racists going crazy...
Well, yes, when you're a provocateur, and you are hired as a professor BECAUSE you're a loudmouth about YOUR causes, and you scream RACISM or SEXISM or whatever ISM and JISM is coating your tongue, you DO get some response. You do get outraged, decent people "going crazy" that a college, even in a "Fresno State" of insanity, would hire somebody so unhinged and incompetent.
So far there's been nothing but kneejerk defense of Randa from the fawning morons at Fresno State. That includes this idiotic Lee character (sex undetermined, probably even by Lee) who thinks everything is covered by "Freedom of Speech." You know, one of these chin up, brain in the ass clowns who pip-squeaks, "I defend your right to free speech, even if I don't agree."
Maybe a new course at Fresno State will be: "The term FUCK OUTTA HERE, and its uses during intelligent debate."
This Muslim Professor seems to think that nobody else has difficulties in life. The late great Dick Gregory knew better. While offering wise and often funny observations on Civil Rights issues, his catch-phrase was, "We all have problems." He knew that the white people in his audience weren't living perfect lives, or else they wouldn't be coming to his show seeking some comic relief. EVERYBODY deserves tolerance and respect.
Barbara Bush? Have some sympathy for ANY woman who marries a guy and ends up with BUSH for a last name. Randa, would YOU want to go through life address as "Mrs. Bush?"
Ridiculous Random-Babble Randa doesn't speak for all Arab American Muslim American women with some clout, fortunately. She only speaks to the stupidity of Fresno State in hiring somebody vulgar, ignorant and immature.
It turns out this blob of bitterness has a history of giving curse-laced speeches:
Not a surprise, is it? Intolerance is usually part of the "race card" game. Be vulgar, obnoxious, insulting and stupid about everybody but your own kind. Offense is the best defense.
The media is quoting from her rants, and wow, she does NOT sound like much of a "Professor" does she? She sounds like a dummy who, like, can't, like, say anything, like, without some shit about dirty words, like:
"...I don’t give a fuck. I'm buying guns. I'm an American. I'm buying guns. The other side is, like, doing some stupid shit. 'm gonna do some stupid shit. I'm tired of, like, being the bigger person — literally am usually — but, like, I'm also just tired of the left being, like, fucking stupid and being like, ‘No we have to like be gentle' … no, don’t be fucking gentle."
No punchline? No. Just a humorless, ugly rant from a humorless ugly creep...a disgusting pig with an inflated sense of self-entitlement. She's in a sty somewhere, hiding. The question is whether Fresno State is going to stick to being "fucking stupid" (as Randa says all whites are) and keep her, or quietly decide that they need to go out and buy a different brand of radical provocateur professor who says things that enrage people.
Did you like how she ended her screaming and cursing with the usual sass? "MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH" she taunted. What next? Say "Allah has set a fire to burn you infidels" in a crowded movie theater? Sounds like you're capable of that, bitch. Excuse me...overpaid fat-faced ugly bitch. How much of a bitch is she? She did end with "GO BULLDOGS!"
That may be a reference to her favorite Fresno team, or her sex partners.
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