Tuesday, April 17, 2018

It's a Great Day for a Hanging -- a Statue of Limitations leaves Central Park

Hey, why not put a rope around his neck? The bastard. If he didn't lynch black women, he did worse. At least, some people say so in this PC age. So damn the truth, twist the facts, and TAKE THAT STATUE DOWN. Hell, can we put one up for Cardi B?

We're being told this Dr. J. Marion Sims guy is a"serial sadist" who, glint in his eye, carved into black vaginas for the sheer fun of it.

But some say ee was a man who taught medical procedures all over the world.

He was a man who fought for women's rights and created the first hospital for women in New York City.

He was a man who demanded that cancer patients be treated fairly, and rejected the gossipy belief that cancer was contagious.

When he had trouble convincing people cancer is not contagious, and patients should be admitted, he helped create New York Cancer Hospital.

That doesn't sound like a bad guy, but a Dr. Jeckyl can conceal a Mr. Hyde. Was he a racist and sadist?

Was he secretly running Southern Cracker Hospital and the Center for Black Vagina Carving?

It seems he didn't take sides too often. For example, Dr. Sims worked with Napoleon III to create the American-Anglo Ambulance Corps, helping to treat casualties efficiently at the Battle of Sedan (regardless of which side they were on.)

Dr. J Marion Sims was, at one time, president of the American Medical Association.

DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A HERO TO YOU? Isn't that why a statue was built for him?

Now we're told he was a racist who got his kicks out of using an ice cream scoop on black vaginas?

According to Letitia James, who took over the ridiculous post of "public advocate" from ridiculous Bill DeBlasio: "We know that his work was highly unethical and deeply racist. A monument to recognize a serial torturer of enslaved black women has no place in our city and today action is being taken to finally remove it.”

That's according to Letitia James, scholar.

What facts does she have to back that up?

Shouldn't she have said, "And right here, I have all the evidence. If he was alive today I could have him indicted and found guilty by a jury. I have EVIDENCE."

It seems that the spin-doctoring AGAINST Dr. Sims is similar to the spin-doctoring FOR Malcolm X as a great leader worth respect, and Louis Farrakhan as a noble religious leader. BOTH are DOCUMENTED in giving racist remarks against whites and Jews, but nobody's getting worked up about it, are they?

Is it just a coincidence that a day after that statue of Whitey was taken away to a cemetery, Ms. James sent out a mass mailing asking for donations to her CAMPAIGN?

Why is this statue removal her best claim to fame? Why not building a homeless shelter or fighting to keep crooked panhandlers off the street or fighting for quality of life for ALL citizens? Oh, but it's flashy.

President Obama, in talking to David Letterman, pointed out that "if something's not right," and it's STILL going on, it's because somebody is making a profit on it. Somebody is enjoying the status quo.

And the reverse can be true. If somebody is claiming "something's not right," it's only because it's an easy target, and can get publicity. somebody's making a profit on pointing it out. In this case, it would be Letitia James, who got a lot of ink for accomplishing nothing much. It's easier to get a statue removed than to fight bean-counters for more pencils and papers for school kids. Why are teachers still buying supplies out of their own pocket? How does removing a statue nobody more than glanced at, of vital importance?

Screaming RACIST at a statue is fine publicity. Who does it hurt, except the reputation of a dead man who has no relatives? Nobody fought for Dr. Sims' reputation because...why risk being called a racist?

One of allegations about Dr. J. Marion Sims is that he deliberately and cruelly refused to use anesthesia on his black patients.

Would it surprise you to know that in the 1840's, most doctors hadn't heard of it and didn't use it? That many considered it dangerous?

Why didn't he use chloroform on his patients? Records show that chloroform was first used in Scotland in 1847, so it was not available to Dr. Sims when he began his operations. Ether was very new.

The best evidence is that Dr. Sims either did not know it existed (it dates from 1842), or didn't know where to get it (he was not operating out of New York or Boston after all, or didn't trust it.

So, he preferred to torture black women, and only black women? Is THAT the truth? The truth needs to be backed up by facts. Not hearsay. Not something possibly made up by somebody with an agenda. (For example, Rufus Griswold blackening the name of Poe with an obit written under an assumed name and making a lot of blatantly false accusations as to Poe's character. Griswold did that out of jealousy and malice.)

It seems, factually, that Dr. Sims was on of the BEST doctors in Montgomery, Alabama. Apparently he was asked by a slave owner to help with the suffering of three females with "woman troubles."

If you wanted to see a gynecologist in 1845, where would you go? Answer: a LONG WAY. Was there even a doctor in New York City or London with "Gynecologist" on the door?

Dr. Sims, a skilled "general practitioner" and the ME TOO movement should revere him for creating THIS:

Should we "spin" this and say that he invented a torture device? It's too damn easy to "spin" things. You name the hero, and somebody will have published a "spin" on how horrible he actually was. Lincoln. FDR. JFK. Churchill. It's not difficult at all, to twist things around.

Back in 1845, there was certainly ignorance over many things, from whether there were angels in the clouds, to whether people with different color skin or facial features were heathens or stupid. Slavery and genocide has happened all over the world, and every race can point to a time when they were conquered by someone else, or some other ethnic group tried to take their land, or were called inferior. That stupidity was common back then and amazingly, is still common now. One religious group shouts and blows up people of a different religious group? That's racism.

One thing we do know about Dr. Sims was that he was trying to learn more about his craft, and deal with things that most were ignorant about. Like...vesicovaginal fistulas.

What? Huh?

Wikipedia will tell you:

"Vesicovaginal fistulas occur when the woman's bladder, cervix and vagina become trapped between the fetal skull and the woman's pelvis, cutting off blood flow and leading to tissue death. The necrotic tissue later sloughs off, leaving a hole. Following this injury, as urine forms, it leaks out of the vaginal opening, leading to a form of incontinence. Because a continuous stream of urine leaks from the vagina, it is difficult to care for, creating personal hygiene issues that may lead to marginalization from society for the woman, and vaginal irritation, scarring, and loss of vaginal function."

Giving a lecture at the New York Academy of Medicine on November 18, 1857, Dr. Sims said he was still not using anesthesia for fistula surgery, even though it was now available, “because they are not painful enough to justify the trouble and risk attending their administration."

Is there evidence of a speech he gave declaring black women as physically different from white? In that climate, especially when he was in the South, he would not have any reason to hide such beliefs. Maybe he simply didn't have any such beliefs.

Dr. Sims seems a compassionate and dedicated man.

While Dr. Sims had concerns about anesthesia during an operation, he had no qualms about using available pain relief after the operation.

Opium was well known and accepted at the time as a pain reliever, and he gave it to the slave women. He trusted it would help them, and it did.

What's the spin on THAT, Letitia? That evil bastard son-of-a-bitch Butcher Racist Sims only did it so the women could get back into the fields quicker?

Doctoring is not easy. Spin doctoring is.

Why did slave owners bring the women to Dr. Sims? One would suppose it was because they were fond of these slaves and wanted them well. Not every slave owner was vicious, although they were all ignorant of the notion that every human is equal.

Is there a bill of sale showing that Dr. Sims paid owners to bring them slave women with problems so he could operate on them? That he considered these slaves as test subjects the same way some companies use rabbits and mice? Proof. Show the proof.

Once "The Father of Modern Gynecology," Dr. Sims has been literally toppled by spin and theorizing and perhaps, outright fiction.

Is that a surprise? Think of, oh, Al Franken forced to resign the U.S. Senate for a few fanny pats and a gag photo, which got spun into him being an evil misogynist and pervert.

A spin on Dr. Sims is that he forced the slave women to be naked for the operations. Yeah? How ELSE do you perform gynecological procedures?

Today shouting "racist" is just another opiate for the masses.

Francis Scott Key was branded a "racist," and it sparked charges that the National Anthem should not be played.

Oddly, while people are happy to go back a hundred or more years to complain about something, "racism" is not always charged on what's happening NOW.

Native Americans can't shout it at the owner of the Washington Redskins because nobody cares.

Orthodox Jews can't shout it at the judges who shrug and dismiss cases of ethnic profiling. Oh, the guy in the Orthodox Jew outfit was sucker-punched and the person laughed and walked away? Couldn't POSSIBLY be a bias attack.

Puerto Ricans can't get anywhere if they scream that they have no electricity following a hurricane.

Equality sometimes ain't too equal, huh?

The statue is down.

This comes just a day after Starbucks' CEO wet his pants (no sugar or cream with that) and announced that 8,000 of his stores were going to be SHUT DOWN so that his employees can undergo "sensitivity training." Or something.

Nobody's suggesting the owner of the Washington Redskins undergo "sensitivity training." Why is that? Why is it that some ethnic groups are ignored?

Putting the statue's demise into the zeitgeist of the times, (I'm talking so that whites can understand my trope, and its underpinnings), it happened in an atmosphere of "The Star Spangled Banner is racist, let's take a knee," and "Blacks should win more Academy Awards," and "there's still no equality for women despite a black female producer running half the shows on TV and almost every music award going to Beyonce, and everyone wanting Oprah to run for President.

We know that Wagner was an antisemite. His music is still being played everywhere. While maestro Levine, a sad homosexual who befriended very willing guys who took money from him, is not welcome to conduct his operas, Wagner's operas ARE welcomed at the Met. Have you heard of a statue of Wagner being taken down? Why is that? Because nobody's worried that Jews will riot? Do we deny truth?

Dr. J. Marion Sims. An easy target. A dead guy with no relatives. And not a President or a Founding Father (who owned slaves and presumably didn't always treat them gently. Except for a few females, perhaps.)

The doctor's statue has been moved to his grave, where it might get sprayed with paint. That is, if the graffiti artists have any left after spraying Jewish tombstones.

Letitia the Public Advocate hasn't been too vocal about indignities heaped on the living. When will somebody say "Senior Citizens' Lives Matter" and make sure they don't live on dog food or die of neglect in a government hospice because their Social Security was cut and their Medicare didn't pay for their expenses?

Dr. Sims is not currently experimenting on animals so a Kardashian can have a new fragrance for sale in Target.

Dr. Sims is not one of the guys shooting endangered animals for trophies.

Where's Letitia James advocating for investigations into incompetent medical clinics where patients undergo harrowing, scarring, and sometimes fatal procedures?

Francis Scott Key is now a bastard. Andrew Jackson will be tossed off the $20 bill. But worse people, DOCUMENTEDLY WORSE, are getting away with horrific racism and genocide RIGHT NOW.

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