Monday, April 2, 2018

Anti-Semitism? WE'LL ALWAYS HAVE PARIS. Here's cooking a Jew, Kid

Today on TWITTER, the word "JEWISH" was trending.

Hmmm, leftovers from the Passover seder? No. A little remark about how that bringer of the Easter bunny, Jesus Christ, was a Jew? Wrong again. How about comments on how important it was for black John Legend to be cast in the lead for a live TV production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" when nobody has EVER suggested a Jewish singer play the role? WRONG AGAIN. None of those explained the word "JEWISH" trending.

It turned out there were two topics involving something JEWISH. The first one had something to do with liberal UK politician Jeremy Corbyn supposedly being anti-Semitic because some groups he follows on Facebook don't like Israel. The other had to do with a snarky blonde who used the Washington Post to write a get-even piece on how she dated two Jewish guys and they broke up with her. If the Shiksa had written the same article but substituted the words BLACK GUYS, it would never, ever, ever have been published.

What do you think? Here's two lines from the story, and I've done nothing except change the word "Jewish" to "Black." Tell me if Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, and the editors of his newspaper would have DARED to print it:

"I frequently meet BLACK men. At almost every event I go, they approach me. As flattered as I am, I don't welcome the complications and potential heartbreak I've experienced back into my life."

Got that? We are taught not to blame a WHOLE RACE for the actions of a few. But as long as the jab is coming from a Christian blonde, and aimed at two Jewish guys, that's fair. That's MORE than fair. That's the truth worth printing in the Washington Post as a lesson to ALL Christian blonde women to avoid JEWS.

The Washington Post story began with some self-involved notion that Jewish men have an eye on white Christian women (Black men do not) and they were especially drawn to HER, because she was so blonde and classy and prone to wearing pearls:

This preening, prancing, "Jew Sex in the City" story ended with a smug assurance that she'll know better if some JEW tries to get friendly with her for all the wrong reasons. There is the slight possibility that she might still associate with a Jew. Which is very good news to whoever gives a rat's ass about this twat:

Oh. Let me clarify. When I say that you might not give a rat's ass about this twat, you CAN if you choose, change that to not giving a rat's twat about this ass.


NOT TRENDING...P> ...the murder in Paris of Mireille Knoll, who survived the Holocaust, only to be stabbed and mutilated by two men who then set her apartment on fire. It did not trend because anti-Semitism in France is nothing new. Hell, some stupid bitch griping about dating Jewish guys who only wanted to date her because she's blonde, is more important. At least, to Jeff Bezos who runs The Washington Post. Jeff looks more like Mussolini every day and acts more like him, too. Running anti-Semitic pieces in his newspaper is just him testing to see how far his scapegoating can go. He'd love to replace Trump as Dictator, you know.

Back to poor Mireille Knoll. She made the mistake of thinking she was a FRENCH woman, not a JEWESS. This is rather common among Jews. In fact, among Christians, too. Unless you're a rabbi or a priest or a nun, you're more likely to think of yourself as being...the person standing on a certain pile of dirt. AMERICAN. BRITISH. FRENCH. GERMAN. Jews do not speak "Jewish." Catholics do not speak "Catholic." If they speak English, French, German or whatever, they'll very likely tell you, if you ask "What are you," "ENGLISH..." or "AMERICAN" etc. etc.

My late friend Brother Theodore told me that when the Nazis came to take him and his family to Auschwitz, it was a great surprise. The Germans had always been welcome in the Gottlieb home. "We did not think of ourselves as pestiferous JEWS to be wiped out..." But now, he was not a German. He was a Jew. The Nazis took all his family's possessions and most of their lives.

He was fortunate to simply die in a hospital, and not be murdered by anti-Semites, like Mireille Knoll. Theodore died in a hospital because, as he used to say on stage, "The bad hospitals let you die, and the good hospitals kill you." I remember his funeral, and I remember his burial, where, as is the Jewish custom, mourners each took turns digging a symbolic shovel-full of Earth, and tossing it down on the plain wooden that held his remains.

The headline on March 27th:

The media was very careful to NOT identify the two "people" who killed her. Let's respect their privacy. Or something. Let's not jump to conclusions that they killed this woman because she was Jewish. Maybe there was another "good" reason.

We're talking about Paris, where they take a long, long time before declaring the death of a Jew to be motivated by hate. Take Sarah Halimi, murdered a year earlier, and known to be an Orthodox Jew. It took a full year before the murderer, Kobili Traore, was considered to have perpetrated a "hate crime." After all, all he did was shout "ALLAH AKBAR" before beating the defenseless woman and then throwing her out the window. All he did was declare he had "killed the Shaitan." (Shaitan is an Arabic word for DEVIL.)

Traore's current defense is that he simply had a little too much marijuana (or was it hashish) and it made him homicidal and anti-Semitic.

Fans of France will tell you "Half a million Jews live in France — the world’s third largest Jewish community after the United States and Israel." But that's hardly a big number of Jews. It was a lot bigger before Jews began to flee France, realizing they were likely to have their storefront windows smashed, their tombstones overturned, and their bodies hacked and mutilated and burned. France is, after all, the country of Le Pen, who has always had a very strong following among conservatives and haters.

In America, the Washington Post can happily have some blonde Christian get paid for snarking and bitching about how she somehow was tricked into dating a pair of Jews, and they, devils that they are (possibly they secretly drink Christian baby blood) didn't give her the perfect experience their stereotype warranted. Maybe they didn't have quite the typical Jewish sense of humor, or huge bank account, or influential lawyers, landlords and accountants to "make things right."

In England, they invent problems with some guy who is never going to be Prime Minister.

In Paris, there's hardly a cry of "Sapristi" over the cowardly murders of elderly Jewish women. It's also a country that is pretty quick to forgive and forget Muslims bombing the offices of a comedy magazine, or blasting an "Eagles of Death Metal" rock concert. These things happen. Accept the fact that Muslims may engage in a few mass killings, and here and there Jews are going to be attacked in their own homes.

"We'll always have Paris." "For as long as you live."

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