Tuesday, April 3, 2018

LOVABLE MALCOLM X and his hatred of Blue-Eyed White Devils


You're right. Social Media IS to be avoided, BUT if you do, you won't see just how insane people are, how dangerous they are, how stupid they are, how misinformed they are, and why you need to be very well prepared because "normal" people can turn out to be racist at best, and dangerous at worst.

Trending on TWITTER was "#LOVEAMUSLIM."

On the surface, that seems, if not totally PC, completely harmless. It's certainly something that could also fall under the hashtag: "Love Me, Love Me, Love Me, I'm a Liberal."

I get it. I agree with it in a way. When there's a terrorist attack, and it involves ISIS and Muslims (as it so often does), what happens? Some lady in a burqa gets yelled at by hooligans on the street. Some cab driver who is actually from India, and a Hindu, gets punched in the nose.

You definitely want to say, "Control your kneejerk anger. There are millions and millions of gentle Muslims who interpret their Koran in a peaceful way, and they pose NO danger. You schmucks."

But along with #LOVEAMUSLIM, there's SCAPEGOAT THE JEWS. Among other things.

Do you know what's still going on, still condoned, and still believed? THIS:

"....the Jews know their culture, the Jews know their language; they know everything there is to know about themselves. They know how to rob you, they know how to be your landlord, they know how to be your grocer, they know how to be your lawyer, they know how to join the NAACP and become the president..."

Among the sanctimonious and self-righteous Tweeting on behalf of the demand to #LOVEAMUSLIM is this item. Here's a guy who wants the world to know that HE, for one, will ALWAYS hug a Muslim, and will always quote Black Muslim Malcolm X, the man who scapegoated Jews in that paragraph you just read:

In this context doesn't "Love a Muslim" sounds more like "Love a Leper?"

That sorry photo and #LOVEAMUSLIM makes it sound like they're a minority, with only a sliver of land to their name, and that sliver constantly under attack. It makes it sounds like the Muslims have a history of tombstones being toppled, and countries saying "Get Thee Out." But, no, that would be The Jews.

The Jews still have imams and people like Farrakhan openly declaring that they should be obliterated, and that they are evil. This, without Jews sending planes into buildings or bombs into concert halls and magazine offices. Jewish cemeteries are defaced every day, and around the world, Jews are routinely persecuted and murdered. AND...so are other minorities. So are other races. None of them get a #LOVEAMUSLIM day on Twitter.

Muslims, of which there are billions, live in some countries where Christians are a minority. In fact, in Egypt, Coptic Christians have gotten blown up by Muslim terrorists. Anyone over there on Twitter with a "Love a Coptic Christian" platitude?

Muslims run entire countries and choose whether any Jews at all are allowed in. A Jew wants to play in a tennis tournament in Dubai or Saudi Arabia? We won't let thee in, Jew. And meanwhile everybody else ignores this abominable bit of racism. Just like the U.N. ignores so much abominable racism and genocide all over the world. Just like Israel is scapegoated by the U.N. and even ignorant rock "stars" like Roger Waters. But we have #LOVEAMUSLIM day.

And what about #LoveaQuaker? How about #LoveSomebodyAmish? How about #LoveanOrthodoxJew?

They also wear "Funny" outfits, and tend to be exclusionary and want to be with their own kind. They have a similar "holier than thou" attitude. They also feel that God has pinpointed them out of 8 billion souls on the Earth, and even out of 100,000 or a Million others of the same religion. God recognizes them by their funny outfits.

How come, after an Orthodox Jew gets clocked on the street, nobody is complaining that a religious person was attacked, hatefully, because of a costume? PS, the Orthodox Jew was not hiding his face behind a cloak. His face was right there to be punched.

Yes, it's very lovely, very Liberal, to make a point of #LOVEAMUSLIM, but when there's nothing similar for other maligned people, isn't that a bit reverse racist? People are a little upset with Muslims lately because various terrorist groups have knocked down buildings, murdered thousands of people at a time, and declared that they won't stop until they finish doing God's work. Because, HEAVEN KNOWS, God can't obliterate people by himself. He needs his idiot humans with bombs to do it for him. HE, who invented thunder and hurricanes, needs some bearded asshole with a grenade.

At the bottom of this self-righteous pipsqueak Tweet is a quote from that lovely, lovely Muslim, the honorable MALCOLM X, whom revisionists consider as equal to Martin Luther King Jr. as a man of Peace. Right, right, "How can anyone be against love?" Malcolm X.

Are we talking about the same Malcolm X who, in 1962, gave a typically garbled hate-speech in which he ranted about the blue-eyed white devil? In which he declared that the Muslims were around long before Jews or Christians, and are the only true religion?

Below, part of the speech that included the scapegoating of Jews, which continues unabated. Nobody who champions Malcolm X says, "By the way, he was a little bit harsh with the blue-eyed white devil stuff...a little wrong about his interpretation of when the Jewish religion started and when Islam started...a little ignorant and nasty...and he conveniently forgot to mention the Jews who became Freedom Riders and were killed alongside the Negroes they came South to help."

One of the reasons Muhammad Ali had such a tough time when he changed his name from Cassius Clay, is because to White America, the BLACK MUSLIMS were a hate group, a group with a violent message for the blue-eyed white devil, and its leaders were a bunch of religious fanatics not too far removed from the ISIS bunch today. The "HONORABLE" leaders had a message of intolerance: time for the blue-eyed white devil to DIE.

Muhammad Ali got along very well with some white devils, although I'm not sure if Howard Cosell, Angelo Dundee or Ferdie Pacheco had blue eyes. But their being white would've been enough for him to stay away, right? He didn't.

Muhammad Ali, the Muslim, the black man, was one of my heroes growing up. He was everything. He was a great athlete. He was great looking. He was funny. He even had some ironic wit in standing up for aspects of the establishment that needed to be changed. He wasn't going to Vietnam because they weren't the ones calling his people names. That's witty.

When I first discovered there was prejudice in the world, I saw it was mainly aimed at blacks. They were the ones marching, not the Germans, Jews, Poles, Latinos or Irish. They were the ones hanging from trees in horrific pictures in the newspaper.

White people had the nerve to demand segregation. It was legal. Worse than that, people were talking about how blacks were inferior. Inferior? MUHAMMAD ALI, who beat up Jerry Quarry? Was more articulate and funny than Jerry Quarry? How as MUHAMMAD ALI inferior to that white guy? What are you talking about? The idea that blacks should be killed? You want to kill MUHAMMAD ALI? What's wrong with you? You want to kill The Coasters? The Marcels? James Sledge, the black kid in my junior high school class who was so nice? This is crazy.

Then you've got Malcolm X offering the same racism and bent "logic" as the other haters. And we have haters today. Plenty of them, hating on whatever their favorite hate is, and whatever has stoked their ignorance and paranoia.

One can argue that given the oppression of blacks in the 1860's in the South, the "HONORABLE" leaders of the Black Muslim movement had every reason to preach violence. They didn't see Martin Luther King Jr's point of view as working. They didn't see white devils lose their lives by becoming Freedom Riders in the South, and registering Black voters. Instead, like too many religious fanatics, they came up with a lot of wacko rhetoric, half-truths and bizarre interpretations and insisted they were FACT.

The Jews, who have been persecuted for 2,000 years, haven't had a Malcolm X or an ISIS, or set off explosives all over the world. The Jews, who experienced a Holocaust in the 1940's far worse, far more blatant, and far nastier than the world of slavery over cotton fields, have not organized violent rages. And other oppressed groups who have been victims of racism haven't either. There have been a few groups here and there...FALN (Puerto Ricans) and the IRA (Ireland) notable for setting off bombs, but not at the level of ISIS. Where's the #LoveaPuertoRican hashtag trending on Twitter? Or #loveaMexican and deny "The Wall?"

Before you lose interest completely, I want to offer up a few choice quotes from a 1962 speech by Malcolm X, which you can find at Malcolm-X.org. In other words, NOT on some wacko redneck skinhead idiot site, but one that respects the man and wants to quote him accurately. In it, he comes up with a lot of bizarre theology, a lot of no-fact assumptions, and a lot of blue-eyed white devil rhetoric. He also wavers between having some modicum of respect for Jews, and contempt for them. Yes, they seem to be a bit higher up than CHRISTIANS, but they are NOT the Chosen People, the MUSLIMS are. Well, that's religious fanaticism for you. It's always about superiority. "My invisible friend like ME best." Which is only a heartbeat away from "The sound of a ticking bomb is the last sound you're gonna hear, you infidel."

From the 1962 speech. I'm trying, within space limitations and reason, giving you whole quotes NOT out of context...

Understand, prior to the time the explosion took place, there were thirteen tribes, but the thirteenth tribe was destroyed in that explosion and then six thousand years ago another tribe came on the scene. It was made different from all of the twelve tribes that were here when it arrived. A new tribe, a weak tribe, a wicked tribe, a devilish tribe, a diabolical tribe, a tribe that is devilish by nature. So that before they got on the scene, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that when we came with the Earth, the oldest city on the Earth is the Holy City, Mecca, in Arabia. Mecca is the oldest city on Earth. Mecca is the city that is forbidden. No one can go there but the black man. No one can go there but the Muslims. No one can go there but the believer. No one can go there but the righteous. And at Mecca are kept the records of history that go on back to the beginning of time. He says that fifty thousand years ago another scientist named Shabazz became angry with the scientists of his day. He wanted to bring about a tougher people. He wanted the people to undergo a form of life that would make them tough and hard, and the other scientists wouldn't agree with him. So this scientist named Shabazz took his family and wandered down into the jungles of Africa. Prior to that time no one lived in the jungles of Africa. Our people were soft; they were black but they were soft and delicate, fine. They had straight hair. Right here on this Earth you find some of them look like that today. They are black as night, but their hair is like silk, and originally all our people had that kind of hair. But this scientist took his family down into the jungles of Africa, and living in the open, living a jungle life, eating all kinds of food had an effect on the appearance of our people. Actually living in the rough climate, our hair became stiff, like it is now. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that the only hair that the black man has today that looks now like it looked prior to fifty thousand years ago is your and my eyebrows. Right here, you notice, all Negroes has straight -- I don't care how nappy their hair is -- they have straight eyebrows. When you see a nappy-hair-eyebrowed Negro [chuckle] you got somebody. But all of this took place back in history, and everything The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches is based on history...

...a blue-eyed devil...We call them what they are. White, that's their color, but devil, that's what they are. These aren't white people. You're not using the right language when you say the white man. You call it the devil. When you call him the devil you're calling him by his name -- serpent; another name -- snake; another name -- beast. All these names are in the Bible for the white man....

...And by devils I mean all those blue-eyed, blond-haired, white things....they were rounded up. They were rounded up and taken down to the edge of the Arabian Desert. They were stripped naked, stripped of everything except their language. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that we put lambskin aprons around their waists to hide their nakedness. We put them in chains and marched them across the hot sands of the Arabian Desert . This is what the black man did to the white man, brothers. This is what the gods did to the devils.

...Moses never went down into Egypt. Moses went into the caves of Europe and civilized the white man. It was Moses who raised the devil from a dead level to a perpendicular and placed him on the square. Moses taught the white man how to cook his food. Moses taught the white man how to build a house for himself...it was Moses who put the white man back on the road toward civilization. He told him that he was supposed to rule for six thousand years, but that much of the time had already been lost, and at the end of time one would come who would destroy the whole white race. Moses taught them this. And this is why when the Jews, two thousand years later, were looking for the Messiah, they thought that Jesus was the Messiah and they put him to death because they knew when the Messiah came he was going to destroy that whole race of devils. The Jews knew this, so they put him to death thinking that they could stop him from destroying them. But actually, they made a mistake because Jesus two thousand years ago wasn't the Messiah. Their time wasn't up two thousand years ago. Their time would not be up until two thousand years later, the day and time that we're living in right now....

...the Jews have a better knowledge of history than the Christians do, do they not? The Christians' history only goes back two thousand years; the history of the Jews goes back beyond four thousand years. Can you see this? And the Muslim history goes back...there is no limit to the Muslim history. If you notice, the Christians can only go back to what they call the Greek Empire. That's what they call the Occidental, the beginning of the Occident, the Greek Empire, the Roman Empire, and so forth. The Jews have a knowledge of history that goes back to Egypt and Babylon. You notice how one goes back...it has no limit. There are no chains on how far you can go back when you are a Muslim. The Christians and the Jews combined go back to whom? To Adam, and they stop right there. And they say beyond him there was nothing happening. The greater their knowledge of history is -- this has an influence on the type of religion that they accept. Do you understand?

....The Christians can't call themselves the Chosen People because their history is not long enough. They can't go back to the time when the choice was being made. The Hebrews, the so-called Jews, can go back so far they can lay claim to that which is actually not theirs. But the reason they can claim it is that nobody else they are dealing with can go back far enough to disprove them. Except the Muslims -- do you understand?

....Remember, Abraham's religion was Islam. Abraham wasn't a Jew, Abraham wasn't a Christian, Abraham wasn't a Buddhist, Abraham was a Muslim, which means he obeyed God. God told him, yes. He said, your people are going into bondage, they're going to become slaves, they're going to be afflicted, they'll be strangers in a land far from home for four hundred years. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says you and I are the seed of Abraham, we're the descendants of Abraham. Now the preacher in the church, he tells you that the Jews are the seed of Abraham. One of them is right and one of them is wrong: either Mr. Muhammad is right and the preacher is wrong, or the preacher is right and Mr. Muhammad is wrong. This is what we are putting on the line today.

Who is the seed of Abraham? Is it this blue-eyed, blond-haired, pale-skinned Jew? Or is it the so-called Negro -- you? Who is it? And what makes it so pitiful, many of our people would rather believe that the Jews are God's Chosen People than to believe that they are God's Chosen People. They would rather believe that the Jew is better than anybody else. This is a Negro. Nobody else would put everybody else above him but the Negro. I mean the American Negro. Remember, God said that the people would be strangers. The Jews aren't strangers. The Jews know their history, the Jews know their culture, the Jews know their language; they know everything there is to know about themselves. They know how to rob you, they know how to be your landlord, they know how to be your grocer, they know how to be your lawyer, they know how to join the NAACP and become the president -- right or wrong? They know how to control everything you've got. You can't say they're lost...."

Bill Maher would tell you that atheists don't have this kind of violence in their minds. They don't have a self-righteous attitude of superiority. They don't insist they are "Chosen" people. If they have the sin of thinking they are superior, it's because they don't put their "faith" in a book of fairy tales written before people knew there weren't angels in clouds. But when you read insanity presented as fact, and it's in the name of "religion," and you're not supposed to question "religion," and you're supposed to respect somebody's beliefs no matter how wacky or violent they might be because it's a "religion," then something is wrong, and even deadly. We can't draw a cartoon of Mohamed? We can't say it's a bit bizarre to have two separate set of dishes in this age of dishwashers and efficient sanitation? We can't say that it's silly to wear some dresses and beanies and cloaks when there are NO pictures in the holy books that suggest these outfits are God's suggested fashion choices?

#LOVEAMUSLIM and feel good about NOT loving some other maligned group? Point to incomprehensible babble in an old book, or an old speech, and "interpret" the way you feel like interpreting it, and believing it because you have "faith?" John Lennon sang "Imagine...no religion." You'll just have to imagine it, because people with the lethal imagination they call "faith" are not being tolerant. They are not getting together to say, "It's not HOW you believe in GOD, but that you DO believe in GOD...and believe that GOD loves you and wants you to use the brain he gave you and the heart he gave you for PEACE."

What is NOT trending on Twitter is...PEACE.

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