Friday, July 6, 2018

Fake News, Real Deaths...what's the difference, duuuuuuuuuuuuude

Did you hear the one about the "YOUTUBE STARS" who got themselves killed?

Now you have:

Who was looking out for these idiots? YouTube? Of COURSE NOT.

Anybody die on the reality shows run by actual TV networks? For over a decade now, idiots have been swallowing bugs, jumping into rivers, doing all kinds of stunts, and NOT DYING. The creepier networks, the ones what schedule those "he may die crossing Niagara Falls on dental floss" types, even THEIR idiots don't die.

YouTube welcomes amateurs. You want to be stupid? Knock yourself out. Just because you're not a true Jackass like Johnny Knoxville, and you don't have a team to help if you get into trouble...NO PROBLEM. Not for You Tube.

The line between professional entertainers and amateurs has been blurred...a hack like pudgy E.L. James becomes a download superstar "author." The Kardashians are inescapable; all any of them have to do is wear anything or NOT wear anything and it's still news time after time after time. People claim to be internationally known singer/songwriters because they've hoisted their crap to Spotify or iTunes having paid for the privilege. Websites, the ones Donald Trump call "Fake News," not only make a fortune off rumors and outright lies, but have led to even MORE websites that re-write (plagiarize), steal photos (it's "Freedom of Speech," man) and then spam and bribe Google and Bing to get placement.

The only real RULE that YouTube has is that you won't get "monetization" if you talk dirty, look too flirty, or say political and racist things that go beyond what Limbaugh or Beck got millions to do. Run some crooked channel promoting yourself as somebody who rescues a guru of a little girl singer appealing to a daredevil...and you're a STAR. In the former categories, you only kill credibility and morality. In the latter, you just might kill yourself.

No great loss. Plenty of YouTube channels, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.

YouTube is owned by Google, the do-no-wrong company that claims to have heart and soul.

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