Ya think this guy is from Norway, and not a Norwegian-American? Generally, assholes from Norway, Holland, Denmark, the U.K., even Germany...get a big kick out of sticking their virtual noses into American politics and giving out their heaves, sighs, grunts and whines.
I think of Randy Newman's slong line, "go back to your own miserable country." People think their country is so much better? Maybe because they don't allow a lot of immigrants in, and have a thousand year tradition of being the same color and speaking the same language? That'll reduce problems.
Of course, it won't stop your country from invading somebody else's. Fucking America is so terrible, but Lord Knows, none of the Great Nations of Europe ever, EVER invaded each other's space. There was no Spanish Inquisition either.
Mr. Lennon, sing it, please:
"I'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites"
But on social media you get a ton of it, because EVERYONE thinks they know it all.
Be smug. Put on a fucking t-shirt with a slogan, and watch all the people SHARE it.
Ah, a beard made out of past-expiration kale.
Always good to recycle that shit on your face. Don't let anything go to waste.
Don't miss any opportunity to stand in the California sun, take a moment away from the six-figure job you have where you work at home, and gleefully stand up for your right to be...John...can you help me out here...
"I'm sick to death of seeing things
From tight-lipped, condescending, mama's little chauvinists..."
Yes, thank you, John. Chauvinism can, I think, apply to White Liberals who sashay around at "Black Life Matters" protests, and then go home and yell at the black nanny who didn't wipe the baby's ass good enough.
But don't get me started on playing Randy Newman's "My Life is Good."
Any reason to just TURN OFF your Twatter and Farcebook? When you get SHIT like the above?
Hypocrites. Yes, that's certainly the people who get so upset when a few rednecks...or in this case, a fairly benign-looking couple, hold up guns. White people can't do that. They have NO RIGHT to do that. They should KNOW BETTER than to act as if holding GUNS is the way to get things done.
Now THESE guys...
History repeats itself if you're stupid.
No question, certain groups, especially "of color," get a pass on holding weapons. White people will tremble in confusion and say, "Gosh, what did we do to those fine, fine people who believe in Islam, to make them want to gun down a bunch of people at a pop music concert? Ariana Grande is bad? Maybe she licked a donut? Drew a picture of Mohamed or something? We did WRONG, oh Lord, and the ALLAH people have EVERY right to wave their weapons!!!"
As for the White delight in pretending NOT to be anti-Semitic while being anti-Semitic? It's a good thing Jews have a sense of humor, so they can laugh at the irony.
It's also a good thing that the Jews aren't all 6'4" and overpopulating to the point where they can riot to get this bigoted shit ended.
So they put up with smirky memes, and worse...people like Roger Waters, Peter Gabriel and Patti Smith promoting BDS, and declaring that there's only ONE brat in the sandbox, and if two kids are fighting, you grab the ONE brat because it never "takes two" to have a fight. It's...what's that phrase Mr. Dylan, "the neighborhood bully."
Yes. Theres a teeny tiny sliver of land in the great Middle East, and it has NO OIL on it, but it's inhabited by awful-awful people who have merely been kicked out of every country from Russia to Germany, couldn't even find peace in France or Sweden, and desperately want a homeland...one that they read about in The Bible.
While the UAR and the rest of the Arab nations happily throw Catholics and Gays off rooftops and burn churches, and deny rights to women...even Women of Islam and of the right color...go scream and holler about Israel.
It's not anti-Semitic that you just happen to care about the Palestinians only, and want BDS sanctions against Israel only, and you don't give a rat's ass about child labor in China, China's rotten behavior toward Tibet, Russian ethnic ceansing, the Turks vs the Kurdds, the Croatians vs the Serbians, or any other ethnic battles anywhere in the world.
An irony is that joining Patti and Roger and Peter (and of course, Noam Chomsky, the turncoat traitor of all time), there's Dizzy Desi the Toot. The man, aka Desmond Tutu, knows of an apartheid nation called South Africa, but to him, South Africa's problems are OVER. No killings going on there. White people aren't being murdered there. Blacks are fine there. And Lord Knows (and Dizzy Desi is a religious man), North Korea gets along with South Korea, and Boko Haram, who have the same color as Dizzy Desi, are, what, raping and murdering Christian blacks in Nigeria just because it's their idea of sport?
Yeah, I try NOT to go to FARCEBOOK too much, and I try, I try to pick "FRIENDS" who are actally friendly, and not condoning anti-Semitic violence, which is what anti-Israel and BDS bullshit creates.
I also keep adding more BLOCK WORDS to my Twitter account. Today it was Kardashian, Kilmer and Karen. KKK. KKK is BAD, y'all.
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