Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Black Racist Who Went After a faux-KAREN : "WE GOT IT!" at Trader Joe's

Buried amid the jolly ridicule heaved at a woman who had a meltdown in Trader Joe's, is WHO started it and WHY.

The guy who brought out his camera to film the meltdown did it because it was a white woman making a scene. A "KAREN."

How was this a "KAREN," the new hilarious slang word for any white woman who objects to anything a black person does? Answer, it wasn't. The woman who had her meltdown because she refused to wear a mask, was not saying or doing anything offensive to any blacks. But, ha ha, she was WHITE. That singled her out for this BLACK observer. He got himself a KAREN.

Here's exactly how he phrased it when, hoping for maximum ridicule of a white woman, he posted it to YouTube where it went viral:

He FOUND himself a KAREN, y'all. Ha ha ha.

He had to start with "Y'ALL" because that's a cool slang word. In revisionist history, it's owned by blacks, and borrowed, now and then, by well-meaning white Liberals. In real history, "Y'ALL" is a Southern word...a word from DIXIE...which blacks learned while being slaves and trying to avoid the lash. Fortunately, a beloved word like "Y'ALL" is not going to be deemed "inappropriate" or "a relic of the disgraceful past." No, in this case, ignorance is bliss, y'all.

If it had been a black woman carrying on for some reason or other, would he have whipped out his phone to capture it? Maybe not. Let's not make the woman a target of ridicule. OR, let's just post it about "a woman" being nuts.

But here's a white woman. So she's a "KAREN," code name for a "privileged white woman." Remember when the fight was against the term "uppity black woman?" Did you know that Bill White, the New York Yankees broadcast announcer, and former National League president and ballplayer called his autobiography "Uppity?" He did it because of how offensive that word was, in regard to blacks.

But, hey, "privileged white woman" is ok, and most certainly a "KAREN." Is ok. Just like Jesse Jackson called New York City "Hymietown" for having too many Jews. Let's not call it hypocrisy. Black ridicule of whites MATTERS.

There's a little three second YouTube clip, a kind of coda to the fracas. It's the black guy chuckling and saying, "GOT IT!"

The woman in question, asking anonymity (which miraculously has so far been granted), has defended herself. She claims somebody insulted her by telling her to wear a mask...and using the F-word and the C-word to do it. That would be FUCK and CUNT. She claims that she then acted in "self defense" to start screaming and raging all over the place. Making a scene, she seemed to say, was the only way to get away from the mean man who was stalking her with insults.

Hmmm. So where are the #METOO ladies to defend this woman? They don't believe her story? They don't care? Or is it that they don't riot and loot, so nobody gives that much of a damn anymore? Instead, her meltdown becomes a RACIAL issue. She's a "KAREN." This is about "WHITE PRIVILEGE." And nobody is calling this racist? REVERSE racist? Why not?

Well, for the same reason that today, Walmart announced it didn't want to offend blacks by continuing to sell a healing, logical, "ALL LIVES MATTER" t-shirt. NO, NO, NO. And NO. If you are suggesting that "ALL LIVES MATTER" under God, Allah or Jesus or Buddha, YOU A RACIST, Y'ALL. And Walmart does not want to have its stores looted.

Things are not going to get much better if the PC brigade continues to be irrational, if looting and violence can be excused, or if racism of ANY kind is tolerated. This includes the reverse racism of calling a white woman a "KAREN," and targeting her as an example of "white privilege." Can we be HONEST? Can we say that there are plenty of black women who are refusing to wear masks, and making scenes in stores, or going on social media declaring nobody can MAKE them wear masks? What if we said "UPPITY BLACK" about a woman like that? Oooh, racism, y'all. But "white privilege" is ok.

There's the N-word, just about the ONLY non-vulgar slang word NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO WRITE. But what about the H-word? HONKY. What about the L-W phrase? LILY WHITE? Since whites are in the majority, they are supposed to tolerate ethnic slurs better? That makes sense?

"WE GOT IT," ha ha, says the black guy with his cellphone camera, chuckling. Not a person making a fool of herself in a moment of stress. A WHITE WOMAN. So let's make it go viral, NOT as an example of a person being stupid about not wearing a mask...make it about WHITE PRIVILEGE, even though this woman isn't saying, "I'm WHITE so I am immune to Covid-19" or "I'm WHITE, and I don't want to breathe the same air as BLACKS" or anything of the kind.

On the LAW AND CRIME website, they offered a link to the black man's YouTube video, so you could hear him snicker, "WE GOT IT." And underneath? Hmm, the N-word is out, but you can print the F-word. And lookie lookie, what DOES her quotes show? They show an unhinged woman (her color does NOT matter) who is going off on an insane tirade, calling a MAN a "BITCH" and screaming at people who are "Democratic." Not BLACK. "Democratic." Huh? In another age and time, it would be called INSENSITIVE and perhaps even ILLEGAL, to hoist a video that exposes a woman with some kind of mental illness. You don't make fun of the mentally ill, you help them.

The woman could be emotional unstable, ya think? But she didn't say anything RACIST. So calling her a "KAREN" is just a tad slanderous.

It's Reverse racism. Picking out a white person for being white and calling her a "KAREN" just on her skin color...is RACIST.

We have a world where you can't say "AUNT JEMIMA" because it's RACIST. Somebody might be OFFENDED. There are no women named Jemima in the world and "Aunt" is terrible. (PS, so is "Uncle" as in "Uncle Ben," who may be removed from his rice box any day now). But "KAREN" is all right. Got that? "Aunt Jemima" is offensive to blacks, but "Karen," especially thrown at a woman who didn't do anything racist, that's OK? Why? When is any kind of racism OK?

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