Tuesday, July 21, 2020

"Woody Allen Could Care Less" or Don't Read Twitter Assholes

A friend of mine has, again, threatened "to say goodbye to Twitter."

How many have said the same thing? It's like chocolate and cigarettes. It's bad for you.

Who are on Twitter? Mostly unemployed crackpots with too much time on their hands.

And a President who can't stop with opinionated insults and moronic statements -- as if he has to compete with Piers Morgan and Kanye West.

Somehow, in glancing at the latest bilge, I saw THIS bit of pointless gripe-lunacy:

Huh? Like the UFO nuts, there are morons who can't shut the fuck up about Woody Allen.

He doesn't have to even be in the news. If somebody ELSE is in the news for a sex scandal, go ahead, that's your cue, Pea Brain, do a "what about Woody Allen!"

If somebody is ranting their anti-Semitic crap, THAT is a good excuse, too. Who knows what set this idiot off a few days ago.

All you can do is correct the blatant lies if you're THAT pissed off about it, but really, "you can't cure stupid." Bigots will never stop, or as we say while adjusting our pants around our thighs, "Haters be hating."

No, asshole, Woody Allen did NOT adopt a child from Asia.

That was Mia Farrow. Do you have to have your head THAT far up your ass to not know that?

Most anyone with even a vague knowledge of the Woody-Mia saga, and any command of the English language, knows that Farrow was an adopt-a-kid compulsive. Same as Angelina Jolie and Madonna. Oh, I feel like getting another kid. What color can I pick out this time?

By the time Woody met Mia, Soon-Ye was already part of a daunting brood that he AVOIDED.

So this yahoo not only insists Woody adopted an Asian girl to have sex with, but he was a Svengali who somehow got her to marry him. And force her to adopt two girls who have turned out perfectly? Do you think Mia Farrow ever had a longer-lasting relationship than Woody's had with Soon-Yi?

Never mind, No Mind.

Then he equates Woody with somebody who pisses on multiple women (some underage) for fun, and someone accused of using date rape drugs on multiple women.

Somehow, it's Oprah's fault for not prosecuting Woody Allen. Punchline: "Pedophile right in your face."

And as usual with Twitter, stupidity right in your face.

Just another reminder that there are millions of absolutely dimwitted wastes of space on the planet, and they own computers and have Twitter accounts.

I wondered what ELSE this "DZUNGLE" idiot was up to, and gee, it turns out English is a second language:

And yes, let's take him seriously about that Chinese conspiracy to cause a worldwide epidemic JUST to sell paper masks. Go ahead, share something bright from another dim bulb:

Nice one, Dung Heap.

Now, Woody Allen's said in recent interviews that he "could care less," about morons who will NEVER believe him and instead think Mia Farrow is some kind of stable individual incapable of a vindictive lie.

He ignores social media, and will go back to making low-view cult movies as soon as Covid-19 allows.

He might be glad to know his fans pause to scold and correct idiots, but I doubt if he'd tell them that their outrage and annoyance is going to do any good. Better to GET OFF TWITTER and, like death, just try not to think about the number of slanderous self-righteous scuzzes and saps out there, and how many deranged have-nots are not only lacking fame and fortune and hate anyone who has either, but have a shortage of brain cells.

My father used to say that the most dangerous people "are religious fanatics. You can't reason with them."

He never knew about people with Twitter accounts.

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