Thursday, November 16, 2017


Let's see, he was known as a tasteless comic in 1995, so they found a tasteless remark he made back then.

He was a tasteless out of work comic in 2006, no longer on edgy "Saturday Night Live" but writing deliberately obnoxious novelty books.

He took a chance with his life by flying overseas to USO shows to entertain the troops. He made soldiers laugh under harrowing and at times frightening conditions, and a Playboy playmate came along to be eye candy for hoots and hollers from thousands of guys in the audience.

The playmate now remembers that she was offended by Al. Fortunately, what Bob "Cheated on His Wife for 40 Years" Hope did with Marilyn Maxwell and the others remains buried.

People who either have no job, or don't have a good one, are demanding Al Franken either be fired, or quit.

But really, it all boils down to something we've all known all along:


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