Tuesday, July 17, 2012

TYPO POSITIVE : Bob Dylan Too Much of NOTHING?

The big news is that in September, Bob Dylan's got a new album coming out. It's called THE TEMPEST. Think Bob's a bit sly or enigmatic? How about the guy who wrote it up in ROLLING STONE? Typo, or play on words? Click on the image and check it out. It's worth noting. Or is it?


Face it, ever since JULIE NEWMAR, each new Catwoman has been about the costume, not the face.

JULIE NEWMAR is a beauty, face and figure. Portraits of her have been done by the greatest photographers: Karsh, Bernard of Hollywood, Peter Basch, Andre de Dienes, Alfred Cheney Johnston...

But each new Catwoman has relied more and more on a mask (the full helmet and lewd tongue action of Michelle Pfeiffer), zany special effects (Halle Berry bouncing around more like a steroid grasshopper than a cat) or calling attention to the cat suit entirely (Anne Hathaway wears giant goggles over her face).

In the case of Eartha Kitt, who looked more like a squash-faced Persian, you could understand the need for a mask.

But let's get back to the newest incarnation. Anne. You can see what the real problem is. Let's put it this way.

You never see Andy Samberg and Anne Hathaway in the same place!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Blanka Vlasic OUT at the Olympics

Early hopes for an amusing Olympics have been dashed (if not 50-yard dashed) by the withdrawal of Blanka Vlasic. Some injury or other.

Hopefully she'll find some strength with a new diet, and there will be a re-write of the story. Something like this:

Saturday, July 7, 2012

On the Internet, Death's Recommended. And FUN!

When you visit GOOGLE or ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY or other sites, they want to let you know what you SHOULD be reading.

They know better than you do, what you like. You like death!

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY recently told me that I'd really enjoy knowing that Zina Bethune died:

GOOGLE, of course, is even more enthusiastic. They were very happy that Richard Lynch died. They apparently recommended that he be taken off life support to hasten his demise. After all, if a guy isn't a blogger, or upping copyrighted movie clips to YouTube, Google considers this a non-person.

Websites are in the business of gathering enough information on you to decide what links you should be shown.

The Internet is changing the way we think, the way we live...and perhaps whether we live at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if Zina Bethune was using a Google map to locate the perfect location (for a car accident), or if someone replaced David Lynch's electrocardiagram with a laptop showing zany YouTube videos.