Thursday, May 24, 2018



Moses Farrow, an adopted son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, and now a therapist, has penned a defense of Woody that brings up some of the strange things about Mia. It's not just the "he said she said" of whether or not the family (and Dylan especially) were coached to make Woody seem like a pervert and a demon. It concerns Mia's own little sexual twists and moral oddnesses, including how she broke up Andre Previn's marriage, and married a man (Sinatra) nearly 30 years older.

But as MOSES decided to mount the platform, let HIM talk in his own words:

Woody's relationship with Soon-Yi has lasted twenty years. His behavior with co-workers, as both a director and an actor, is far better than what's appeared on Dustin Hoffman, Harvey Weinstein, Morgan Freeman and others. In fact nobody's really said a word against him except Dylan, and it's not easy to determine if Allen did anything at all, or if some odd moment of curiosity got the better of him. There's no hint that there was anything pedo about it (ie, an act with the intent of sexual gratification). What's important here is to remember the old, old adage, "there are two sides to every story," and to also remember that we are supposed to believe people innocent until proven guilty, and we're supposed to learn from outrageous like the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy hearings.

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