Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Reality: Fat-Ass No-Talent Exhibitionists Make More Money than MOST OF YOU

Slut shaming? No, they have no shaming, and they'll flash their roll of thousand dollar bills as quick as they flash their thong-clad 50 pound butts.

The good news is that for a while, a no-brainer like Kim Kardashian needed a leaked hardcore porn vid to become a "star." Now? Thanks to Social (disease) Media, women can simply stand around for artless snapshots of their tattoo-infested bodies and make very good money. Hey, none of that Stormy Daniels strip-pole stuff going from city to city, either.

Here's a very ordinary bint who just got the NY Post's admiration for boasting about her $80,000 a year INSTAGRAM hobby:

. Tough to be a parent these days:

"Mommy, dressing slutty on Instagram could make me $80,000 a year, just for showing off my photos!
When I get to be 18, can I get a boob job, enormous collagen lips, lots of tattoos, a bunch of thongs, toss my photos on INSTAGRAM and more than most people do in a year??"

Mommy says, "Jeez, shut up, George."

All seriousness aside, I keed. I keed. It probably IS possible for George to make that kind of money in these transgender-friendly times. He can say he's a girl trapped in a man's body, and doesn't need to a) be an ex-Olympic champ or b) a traitor who sold out his country. Just do some low-class poses and have that self-entitled look and by God how the money rolls in.

Is Alysia Magen an exception? Is THAT why she had the money to toss at a publicist to get a NY Post spread? Nah, she probably didn't even pay a publicist. The NY Post has a nose for this type of smell. Fact is, INSTAGRAM and YOUTUBE are now the breeding ground for "Stars." It's no longer "go to the park, stand on a soapbox, and be an eccentric asshole for spare change." It's no longer "learn production values, photography, and other skills." Go to Best Buy, scope some equipment, buy it cheaper on Amazon, and upload, upload, upload.

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