Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hey BORG, "Don't be a Dick" and shit-list people with unwanted email SPAM

So I get a header about a book called "DON'T BE A DICK."

Do I know this DICK? No, I don't. Did he get my email address from ME? No, he did not.

He wrote a book called "DON'T BE A DICK" and...he's BEING A DICK? Yes.

Second opinion - he looks like a dick.

I'm not an expert in sending unwanted SPAM EMAILS to people, and being a DICK.

It would seem to me that "DON'T BE A DICK" would involve advice on NOT pestering people. Perhaps it would also useful to NOT have such a swelled (DICK) head as to think, "the rules don't apply to ME. People I send unwanted emails to, will THANK ME."

There are probably 50 ways (if not 500) to get shit-listed by a DICK like BORG. I'd hate to think that a reputable publisher, literary agency, author's group or even desperate organization like BOOK EXPO, would stoop to SELLING EMAIL ADDRESSES. All I can do is shrug like Dylan: "Whoever it is I wish they'd cut it out quick, but when they will, I can only guess." IDIOT EMAILS...

THANKS...for having that UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of your tedious waste-of-time presumptuous email scolding people to "DON'T BE A DICK."

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