Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Rockettes? NO DIVERSITY

Today I noticed a Tweet on the lack of of DIVERSITY among those horrible, traditional, old-fashioned corny ROCKETTES.

And really, what else is there to do on Thanksgiving Day except to bitch about a parade?

Yes, angry, frustrated, and caffeinated people have to take their roaring rage to little tweety TWITTER in order to feel better about themselves.

Nothing makes you feel better than dumping on somebody else. Or in this case, a whole group.


That Tweet was from a GAY LATINO, right? You wouldn't want a white and straight person to make a comment. Such a person has nothing to complain about, and should just shut up and step aside.

THE ROCKETTES hadn't enough DIVERSITY at the parade. And we LOVE DIVERSITY. (PS, I hope that nobody sings "White Christmas" anymore. It's so EXCLUSIONARY.

But back to those awful-awful honky ROCKETTES. (I can say "honky" because whites are a majority, so fuck their sensitivity or feelings.) Hopefully all the white Rockettes will be FIRED, and NEVER WORK IN SHOW BIZ AGAIN. They knew what they were doing by not being Black or Latino or Muslim.


THE ROCKETTES had no OBESE dancers. That's fat shaming!

There were no DRAG QUEENS. Even worse, there were no CHICKS WITH DICKS, where you can see their packages dangling around in their panties. You do want a Rockette who looks like Jeffrey Tambor in a dress. DIVERSITY, PEOPLE! There were no obvious out-of-the-closet gays stripped to the waist, rocking leather pants and being stereotypical. No shouts of "Here and Queer." Stereotype is the new free!

Where were the MIDGETS? Er, LITTLE PEOPLE. Who cares about maintaining the same height for leg kicks? In fact, where were the AMPUTEES? Surely, you could have two uni-dexters holding hands and doing a kick together, which would show UNITY. Or DUALITY. No bald Rockettes? Hair loss among women IS a major problem, and we must shine a light on it, even if the glare might be blinding.

Isn't it the TROPE of the ZEITGEIST to promote DIVERSITY? Have I made myself CLEAR?

Damn them ROCKETTES. They all wore the same outfit. Where's the ISIS flag with "ALLAH AKBAR" on it? Or someone in a "Make America Great" red t-shirt and matching hat? Why nobody in a SOMBRERO? Where are the $495 basketball shoes to help promote rap fashion?

DIVERSITY, people. The ROCKETTES are so...WHITE. They dance WHITE. Where was the TWERKING? Where were the Women of Color with gigantic butts, like Nicki Minaj? REAL dancing is to do AEROBICS like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift, and look serious while acting like a robot or crossing your arms and making an X and looking FIERCE.

More DIVERSITY, please. Hopefully a dignified protest at Radio City Music Hall will lead to an out-of-control firebombing, ala those fun "Burning Man" rock concerts. With the place reduced to ashes, government funds can be used to build a theater for ethnic dance, with an aspirin concession in the back.

Above this theater will be a glorious food court featuring Taco Bell, Chipotle, Kentucky Fried Chicken (for the Blacks), and Hummus R Us (the new all Halal fast food chain, which features HARAM, sans Procol). Oh, and an Olive Garden. We must have some authentic Italian food for Asians to enjoy. And yes, there WILL be a Red Lobster. White people have to eat, too. Please don't think "Red Lobster" refers to anything Native American, like the Washington Redskins!

To say something NICE about them awful whitebread beeeeeaches, at least they didn't do that racist "King Tut" dance that Steve Martin did in 1978. I hope he's booted out of show business for that, as the students of Reed College would want! He shouldn't get off with a lame apology or saying, "back then, it was considered funny." NO excuses especially not an "EXCUUUUUUSE ME!" Remember, humor is hurtful, and it always makes somebody or something the butt of ridicule, so it most likely will soon be outlawed.

Diversity! RAH RAH! ALLAH AKBAR! PS...none of The Rockettes are Jewish, right? Riiiiiiight!!

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