Thursday, October 25, 2018


Today NBC cut Megyn Kelly loose. She remarked that maybe on Halloween it might be ok for kids to dress up? Maybe? She was just throwing it out there like any ad-libbed malformed notion an air-headed blonde might make.

Do you have to go RAMBO on her white ass, NBC? Or were you just looking for a reason to dispose of a low-rated non-entity making $10 million a year. Or more?

Let's table Megyn Kelly (take that any way you like) and move on to a bigger, much more outrageous racist: JEFF BEZOS, CEO of AMAZON. Have you seen what AMAZON is offering for Halloween??

GOD ONLY KNOWS the number of STONE COLD RACISTS who have worn that mask in the past decade! STOP THE MADNESS!

It's time for the FBI to seize Amazon's files, and determine EXACTLY HOW MANY WHITE PEOPLE BOUGHT THE OBAMA MASK.

Blackface, is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Not now, not ever, and if it was in the past, then ERASE THE PAST.

Still looking at YOU, Jeff Bezos! (HE BE RACIST. First thing you do when somebody is racist is start talking and writing in EBONICS. THEN...go after them with torches held high). AMAZON doesn't only sell OBAMA masks. How about THIS:

Al Jolson in BLACKFACE.

Jolson, once called "The World's Greatest Entertainer," dressed up in a naive age, and tried to humanize black people. Imagine. He sang of their suffering when he recorded "Old Black Joe," and "Mammy" and "Sonny Boy." He wasn't making fun of black people. Not intentionally. His audiences weren't laughing uproariously at his sorrowful tearjerker songs. But hell...

FBI, it's time to CHECK AMAZON RECORDS and go after EVERY WHITE PERSON who owns a copy of "The Jazz Singer" in VHS, LASERDISC or DVD.

This be history? No, this be RACIST SHIT. Jolson's name has been ALMOST effectively wiped out. Few people know who he is anymore. Even record albums where he's not in blackface are tainted. AL JOLSON never happened. Like The Holocaust.

While President Trump tells us that skinhead Nazis are "nice people," and while people march around wearing swastikas, and they howl at cemeteries about how "God Hates Fags," and while the Washington Redskins play before cheering's important to be vigilant about stereotypes relating to one race. We must be vigilant about ONE word, and that word is not KIKE or WOP or FROG or LIMEY or SPROUT BASTARD FROM BELGIUM.


Once the OBAMA mask is removed and "The Jazz Singer" banned, we can proceed. Bert Williams MAY be a historic name in Black History, but we'll put an end to that. Williams was Black, and appeared on stage in blackface. Decades later, Pigmeat Markham did the same thing. He felt it accentuated his features and he used it even in the "Chitlin Circuit" performing for all-black audiences. ERASE these guys from the history books.

And then...maybe start going after the rest of the racists.

The Marx Brothers movies, ALL of them, can certainly be banned. CHICO MARX was NOT ITALIAN.

No more Warner Oland or Sidney Toler "Charlie Chan" movies, or Peter Lorre as "Mr. Moto." SAYONARA, "Mr. Moto."

"Incredible Hulk" Halloween masks need to be removed...or ONLY sold to children whose faces are really GREEN.

Got the idea?

DRAG is exempt, as always. Gays who consider a vagina to be almost as bad as a landmine, can certainly continue to dress up and mince around in the most garish stereotypes of womanhood imaginable. Nothing wrong about THAT. Some, this year, are no doubt going out on Halloween claiming to be Megyn Kelly. Ha ha.

Lastly, let's hope that periodically we can all VOTE SOMEBODY OUT OF A JOB.

Isn't that a fun idea?

What do people enjoy more than screaming "FIRE HIM!" or "MAKE HER RESIGN!"

Whether it's Louis C.K., or Al Franken or Kevin Spacey or Woody Allen or Geoffrey Rush...if you said something, did something, touched something, made an awkward request...or if somebody accuses you of something...GET LOST. FOREVER. NEVER WORK AGAIN. LEAVE THE COUNTRY. SHUT UP AND DIE.

Nothing makes people feel better about themselves than seeing somebody else lose their job.

In these times, which mirror the days of Adolf Hitler and Joe McCarthy, it's EASY to make somebody jobless. (An exception would be the excellent Judge Kavanaugh, who had the right blend of whimpering, sniffling, and bellicose bellowing about how entitled he was to sit on the Supreme Court and make sure women have no rights anymore.)

Let's make it EASIER to get somebody fired. To make somebody lose everything for having an opinion. While Bill Maher has actually invited controversial people with strange or stupid and CONSERVATIVE views to be on his show, let's not take HIS example. Instead, go the route of Hitler and McCarthy.

Surely, President Trump will pass a law by which every year around election time, we can all submit a write-in ballot of people we'd like to see FIRED. People we want to see DEPORTED. Ball up these papers and toss them into a giant hot-air balloon, and then pick, oh, 100 out for execution.

HA HA HA! "We un-crinkled this piece of paper, and YOUR name is on it. You have 30 days to GET OUT OF THE COUNTRY, and, unlike illegal aliens, we are going to MAKE SURE YOU STAY OUT. And you...YOU are simply FIRED. We'll call you a VIOLENT SEXUAL PREDATOR. Now see if you can get another job! Ha ha ha, you're gonna change your name, move to Kentucky, and subsist on government cheese till you DIE."

All of this intolerance and paranoia will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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