Saturday, October 27, 2018


Here's an uncomfortable truth:

If Megyn Kelly had mused, "Hmmm, I remember when I was a kid and everybody played Cowboys and Indians. I guess even now, they sell Halloween costumes where you can dress up as an Indian...." NOBODY would've objected. Some might've cheered, "GO REDSKINS!!"

Some guy slapping on red paint and a Washington Redskins jersey? Fine. Just FINE. Somebody with a paper mask and an Atlanta Braves jersey, grunting a war chant and doing the "Tomahawk Chop?" ADORABLE.

"Yellowface" is just a complaint Asians sometimes make, when they gripe about old Charlie Chan movies, or any time a Caucasian appears in "Flower Drum Song" or "Miss Saigon." They aren't taken seriously. Megyn Kelly would not have gotten complaints or lost her job if she mentioned that some kids dress up as Charlie Chan or Fu Manchu or a Geisha...even if they're WHITE. Ah so....

How many Christians are dressing up as SHYLOCK, a legit character in Shakespeare. Or just chortling "OY OY OY" and "Don't come near me with BACON" while wearing THIS perennial favorite?

Any complaints from the Jews? The Jews know how futile complaint is. It's like, "Please, don't scream about sanctions against Israel or call it apartheid when Arabs live there. Please don't overturn our loved ones graves. Don't say the Holocaust never existed. Don't sucker punch an Orthodox Jew for wearing a "funny" outfit when it isn't even Halloween."

Hell, the Indians know how futile it is to say "Would you go back where you came from and GET OFF OUR LAND?"

Blacks can moan that they were put into slavery by a few misguided Southern states...and not mention all the white people killed during the Civil War to change that...but the Redskins? Shut UP, Redskins, YOU don't know poverty as you sit on your reservation. YOU don't know discrimination. YOU don't know what it's like to be so disrespected that you were beaten, killed, and rounded up to live on land nobody wanted and left to rot.

Meaning, Megyn Kelly picked on the wrong minority. The POWERFUL minority. The one that can make somebody lose their job for making an observation, asking a question, or starting a debate about something. DAMN you Megyn Kelly.

If Kelly had suggested that DRAG QUEENS are an insulting stereotype against women, and an utter mockery, she also would've been fired. Gays are a powerful minority that way, too. However of Kelly had jokes about how ridiculous it is for adults to wear diapers, or to pay to be spanked, nobody would say "Fire her...we were BORN this way."

Intolerance is tolerated by a whole lot of people whose feelings DON'T MATTER.

Fat shaming is no longer allowed. But ageism? Sure, go ahead. Make fun of anyone with gray hair. Make fun of the way old people speak.

Halloween is a time to laugh at old people. There are version of the "OLD LADY" outfit which include a cane or a walker. HA HA HA. How FUNNY it is for a little kid to learn to disrespect her elders.

Megyn Kelly would not have gotten a peep of protest if she told the world she'd bought an "OLD LADY" outfit for a niece to wear. Awww, so CUTE:

The question here (and you can't FIRE me for it) is WHY is it that SOME minorities get action when they complain and SOME DON'T?


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