Thursday, October 11, 2018

"NEWSER" the Millennials' Garbage Website of Regurgitated near-Plagiarism stale "NEWS"

You're on a page of "aggregate" news headlines. Yahoo does it. Bing does it. Google does it. Help yourself, click whatever lurid item you want and you're taken to...

Most often, NEWSER, which seems to put all their money in NOT hiring reporters, but re-write hack asshole Millennial dipshits who simply suck up quotes and spit them out (with attribution of course).

Get it? If you write for this shit website, if you READ this shit website, you're a "NEWSWER."

Which is like being the kind of asshole who spends his life playing video games, and calls himself a "GAMER."

Typical of the Upchuck Journalism, this thing today:

Somebody gets a byline and a photo for...quoting ("PER") TMZ (what a great source) and Hollywood Reporter. For re-writing stale news already found elsewhere.

Did this nitwit go to school?

"Hey teacher, duuuuude, here's my report. My research is I went to GOOGLE and got three or four links, and used what I found. Can you give me an A for this? I'm gonna go to the University of Phoenix, online school to get my degree, duuuuude. I don't want to waste too much time getting a headache by thinking for myself, ya know. I'm a SKATRBOY and a GAMER and that takes up most of my time, duuuude. Then I will become a NEWSER..."

The choice of the Troyer article to represent NEWSER is appropriate isn't it? Today's NEWSWER is the MINI-ME of journalists. Or to be short about it, reducing the world to byte-sized semi-stolen nuggets, and reporting on its more lurid failures, is just SAD.

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