Wednesday, January 9, 2019

At TIME MAGAZINE, "diversity" means NO MEN AT ALL. Down with MEN. BOYCOTT MEN!

I was leafing through the latest anorexic issue of TIME. (I know, I shouldn't have a subscription, I should just SURF their WEBSITE.)

Along with such vital articles such as four pages about a Syrian immigrant woman living in Germany, and six pages on an oil boom in Texas (we're SAVED) there was two pages for new books.

"Each new year comes with the temptation (to read) a fresh new self-help book."

So wrote a woman named ANNABEL GUTTERMAN. (She should think about changing that last name to GUTTERWOMAN, and slut-shaming be damned!)

You know self-help books.

They have included, in the past, works by Wayne Dyer. By Dale Carnegie. By Deepak Chopra.

What did a woman named ANNABEL GUTTERMAN select?


Can you imagine the RED FLAGS...the RED PANTIES...waving at the TIME editorial meeting, if ALL SIX AUTHORS were MEN?

"Where's the DIVERSITY?"

"Do these men at LEAST have Pakistani or African names?"

"Any of them a trans MAN who used to be a WOMAN?"

"Do we have photos to see how many of these men are...OF COLOR? Not colored, but...OF COLOR?"

Apparently nobody at TIME questioned why all six self-help books were by women.

The knee-jerk rationalization here is that women have been denied publication for such a long time (including Emily Bronte, Emily Dickinson, Willa Cather, Pearl S. Buck, Germaine Greer, Erica Jong, P.D. James, pudgy E.L. James and R.K. Rowling) that we MUST let the teeter-totter stay anchored in prejudice and favoritism. ALL SIX BOOKS BY WOMEN is payback.

PAYBACK, as they say, is a BITCH.

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