Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Did the DAILY NEWS swipe from the DAILY MAIL? Let's not cal it PLAGIARISM...

Oh, it looks like there's a whiff of the NEWSWER mentality over at the Daily News.

Why bother to do real reporting and research when you can take from somebody else?

Oh, but if you CREDIT your original source (and BURY that CREDIT further down in your text) you're OK. No Plagiarism.

Here's the DAILY NEWS reporting on Kevin Spacey.

From the opening lines, you get the idea that the crusading DAILY NEWS went to Nantucket and pulled papers in some Freedom of Information crusade:

"... a Nantucket District Court filing obtained by the Daily News..."


SIX PARAGRAPHS LATER, the Daily News admits "The documents, as first reported by the Daily Mail..."

So the DAILY NEWS actually "obtained" the information FROM the DAILY MAIL or AFTER the Daily Mail did the leg work.

Isn't it a BIT stinky for the DAILY NEWS to crow about documents "OBTAINED" not by their own skills, but by glomming what the competition did?

It's not just a BIT stinky, because these two twisted sisters do it all the time. It's like they go into each others' hampers to try stuff on. "I'm not wearing yesterday's panties...I'm wearing someone ELSE's day-old knickers." And vice versa. Whew...what a whiff.

Do YOU want to use the coupon and PAY the DAILY NEWS for what they got FREE from the DAILY MAIL?

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