Saturday, January 5, 2019


You go to a blog and see 50 entire discographies with Rapidgator download links. The blogger writes: "I don't own copyright. I am SHARING. I love music. If you like the music you download as a PREVIEW, then buy it!"

Something like that.

That's the 21st Century Internet Mentality. SHARING isn't STEALING.

And over at NEWSER?

It seems to me they, and many others, SHARE the information they glean from legitimate news sites and PROFIT from the re-writes. Usually without credit to the original source.

NEWSER doesn't hire reporters. NEWSER hires USERS and ABUSERS and SCREWSERS.

Then they aggressively push these articles via every search engine and news aggregate site they can bribe. EARTHLINK, for example, has a helpful page where they give you links to all the interesting stories of the day. Almost all of them are click-throughs to NEWSER.

One story was about how AMAZON cheats people. What, more than NEWSER does?

I clicked the link, gave an UGH when I saw it was a piece of NEWSER re-write shit, and then a double UGH when NEWSER instantly rang down a fading blur to let me know THEY expect to get ad money so I better not use my adblock if I want to read their re-chewed articles.

Since Jeff Bezos, the world's richest Fascist dictator, owns Amazon, which controls about half the Internet mail-order business, I was interested in reading how he and Amazon make slaves out of people. They have help from weasels who run "get rich quick" seminars. The idea is that you buy some garbage from China, put it on AMAZON, and by GOD how the money rolls in. With Amazon taking a huge cut of your profits. And, by the way, why not pay somebody to write false five star reviews to encourage sales?

I glanced at the NEWSER screwser abuser user article before it went blurry on me, caught a name mentioned in the piece, and Googled it. Sure enough, I came up with the ORIGINAL article, printed in THE ATLANTIC several days earlier...

So, at The Atlantic, Alana Semuels writes a piece, and then at NEWSER the user/abuser, NEAL the STEAL re-writes it? Maybe ads some seasonings from other articles on the Internet? Then gets a few pennies for his hard work? How LOVELY.

An irony is that The Atlantic doesn't demand you take off your adblock to read the story, but nasty, petty, obnoxious, weasel-loaded NEWSER sure does.

They're like the blog-brats who troll each other ("You re-upped my Beach Boys discography. I know, I put tags on the songs! Stop freeloading off MY HARD WORK and taking some of MY hard-earned Rapidgator royalties") and scream about record label interference ("I got a DMCA takedown on my Beach Boys uploads! They make enough money. Why are they bothering ME? I'm re-upping! I'll make it more difficult for 'em this time! Email me for the links!!")

People wonder how Mussolini and Hitler came to power? We have Jeff Bezos and Donald Trump.

People wonder how the Jews, the Gays, the Poles, and other undesirables were led into the gas chambers so easily? Try stopping your music, films, TV shows or books from being downloaded on Google's blogs, in forums, or via the gushing TORRENTS. Try preventing NEWSER's Sgt. Schultz-types from saying, "We know nnnnuthing, nnnnuthing about plagiarism...we are just re-writing facts we happened to find...yah..."

There's no shortage of parasites chewing away, and no shortage of bullies who use the laxity of Internet law to do anything they want, aided and abetted by the sudden disappearance of any rules on MONOPOLIES.

Maybe NEWSER will have an article about this...but only after somebody else writes it first.

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