Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Stephen King is NOT being paid by the word...

When you're a writer, you might want to flex those creative muscles and live up to your status as somebody who nails it with original, quotable remarks.

"Trump needs to go. He's one bad hombre."

I think I overheard these very words from a janitor taking the subway up to Spanish Harlem.

60,000 people liked this? 8,000 retweeted it?

These are the same people who lip-read the words "PUSH" and "PULL" when they see them on restroom doors?

They're the same ones that can't get enough of killer clown movies.

Here's a guy who only writes books the size of bricks and he can't write even find ten choice words about TRUMP!

I know. Fans shouldn't expect much. What's the hacky phrase everyone uses in situations like this? Oh yes: "What did you PAY to read this?"

If you don't pay Stephen King, don't expect anything too witty. He's one bad hombre!

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