Thursday, August 30, 2018

It's....KARMA! Fabulous Black Lesbian outs Down and Out Cosby Show co-star

Who says nobody knows you when you're down and out?

Ask Geoffrey Owens, who played Sondra Huxtable's husband Elvin Tibideaux on "The Cosby Show" in its last five seasons.

People think that if you're a minor co-star on a sitcom, you still have to be a millionaire. Five seasons? Residuals? Millionaire!

In one of the most competitive fields in the world, actors are lucky to get any kind of work. Few progress beyond a few supporting roles, and many keep their day job, if they have one. Or, having tried and tried for five or ten or fifteen years...have to go find a day job with some kind of a pension possibility.

Owens found $11 an hour work as a cashier. You can see, he was DELIGHTED to be recognized.

Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho. Hee hee hee. Look how the mighty have fallen.

Isn't that a lesson for everybody who never amounted to anything? Don't try.

How comforting it was for the person who decided to take the photo and then shop it around to the tabloids. Oooh, oooh, who is the REAL star, then? Who gets her big fat face in the newspaper and has her moment of CELEBRITY?

It's KARMA. No, that's her name. Karma and "her wife" were shopping, and then SNAP.

Let's get ANOTHER and then the tabloid can run a photo of Owens the way he used to look. Ha ha ha, ho ho ho, hee hee hee, celebrities get OLD. But what never gets old? Making fun of people more famous than you are.

This kind of behavior is, unfortunately, all too common, especially in the "I've got a camera in my cellphone" era. People recognize celebrities and HAVE to pester them. Hell, if they've got a camcorder, and pester the celebrity enough to get really upset, it might make for a sale to Fagin-perv Harvey Levin's TMZ show. You know, the one where he has a gay time mocking famous people while his army of teenage DUDES chortle and snicker and snort.

Karma is a bitch. And here's a photo of Karma.

They look SO happy in that photo. Maybe because they were dressed for it, and it wasn't taken without their permission.

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