Monday, September 3, 2018

#METOO doesn't mean YOU, JEW! Woody Allen movie shelved by antisemites and Jeff Bezos the Coward

Not long after Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan prominently took his front row seat at Aretha's funeral, NOT disinvited and NOT shunned by fellow front-row celebrity Bill Clinton, here comes the latest antisemitism.

Woody Allen, un-arguably the most visible and stereotypical JEW on the planet, will NOT see his work of art displayed.

Amazon poured $25 million into the project, which went not to Woody, but to the high-priced Millennials in his new romantic film project. Now they're all sobbing about how WRONG they were to act in his movie, and how they're donating their salaries to charity, and hope all their gentile fans will forgive them for working with another of those pervy Jew bastards.

Yeah, put Woody Allen in the same category as Harvey Weinstein. As if Woody ever used his fame and power to get women to star in his films. No, never happened. He has, in fact, a spotless record in that regard. He's been championed as a "women's director," and as one of the astonishing males who can write for women and come up with sensitive characters that win Academy Awards for the stars.

BUT, the Christian-named DYLAN FARROW and her brother, the Christian-named RONAN FARROW, managed to keep on yelling any time one of Woody's films came out, and it included SHAMING any actress who dared show up to win a best-acting award.

Finally, thanks to the monkey-see #METOO movement, Woody's been toppled.

You can see it below, in screencaps from one of the many thieving Decider Newswer-type sites that quote and re-write from the original source:

OH WELL. These Millennials will be making more movies. They churn out a few a year, don't they? You can't flip through your gay-oriented Millennial-licking "Entertainment Weekly" without reading breathless news about how the Fanning-types are in "ANOTHER GREAT MOVIE."

Woody is 84. He's not going to be making too many more films. His films may get some critical praise and some awards, but it's been a long time since any made big money. So, kick the Jew down.

It applies to any Jew who does anything. Al Franken? What did HE do to be forced by Senator Kristin Jellybrain to resign from the Senate? He touched a fanny while his fans were jockeying and pushing to get a photo op with him? Touched a fanny of a woman who was standing with her HUSBAND right there? In a crowd? People thought he was intentionally being pervy? REALLY?


Another example? Jeffrey Tambor. Known to be high strung, aka "difficult," he made some type of clumsy pass at a tranny. One would think he'd be PRAISED for being so OPEN and TOLERANT and DIVERSE in his tastes. Nope. He was fired. GET THEE OUT, JEW.

Think that would've happened if he was a real tranny? Or Gentile? Of course not.

The #METOO movement has been very successful....against Jews. But that's been going on for 2000 years. An ethnic group that's had some problems in America in the past 200 years? Oh, don't mess with THEM. And a religious majority that has its members blowing up buildings and terrorizing the world? Don't say anything bad about THEM.

Nope nope, Farrakhan can say what he wants about JEWS, but nobody can say a word about HIS fine, fine religion. And he hasn't said anything too bad about ISIS, has he?

The fact that JEFF BEZOS, the world's wealthiest billionaire, won't stand up for AMERICAN principles is shameful. This bald dickhead has lobbied endlessly to make sure Amazon doesn't pay taxes and Mom and Pop business collapse all over the country. This bald dickhead pushed the Kindle, which put bookstores out of business and helped make Internet book piracy easy. This bald dickhead is hoping that drones will fly all over the place delivering his shit — so that even more REAL businesses fail and the country is ever more dependent on Amazon workers living in bee-like hives packing up boxes. The MALLS that people ridiculed as so AMERICAN? Failing.

Yet, THIS bald dickhead is afraid to say "THIS IS AMERICA, you are INNOCENT until proven GUILTY"??

Woody Allen has not been charged with anything. He's not been convicted of anything.

There have been movies and plays, far more successful than anything he's done in the past decade, that have had the theme of: "Don't believe ONE malicious gossiper" "Don't let slander ruin lives" "Be careful about ONE accuser who just MIGHT have an agenda, or simply remembers things wrong and makes them out to be worse than they were."

Jeff Bezos should know that hype is ripe. The worse you make the story, the darker you spin it, the more attention you get. As in, "Al Franken GROPED my FLESH, and I'm now tormented for life, humiliated beyond belief, barely able to function, now utterly frigid, and suffering POST TRAUMATIC STRESS. This MONSTER must RESIGN..."

And Woody? Ah, we have the ever-delightful PEDOPHILE charge. In this world where you can any 14 year-old can watch BUKKAKE videos online, and enjoy PORNHUB and all kinds of sick and adult websites, the ONE thing that still actually gets people upset is pedophilia. Sort of. Adults can go to the Far East and fuck all the 12 year-olds they want, including Ladyboys. They can sit around watching HONEY BOO BOO on TV and other little tarted up cuties. this depraved, insensitive world where pudgy E.L. James can push BONDAGE into best-sellers in this supposed #METOO age...PEDOPHILIA is still a powerful charge.

We're not talking about actual underage intercourse, ala Jared of Subway. Touching is good enough. The accuser didn't quite have the gall to accuse Woody of rape. But one alleged incident in some 70 years of being capable of sexual activity, is enough to derail Woody Allen's movie and his career.

This is NOT a country where you are innocent until proven guilty. This is NOT a country where Jews are treated like everyone else. This is a travesty that goes beyond another forgettable Woody Allen rom-com. It is an outrage.

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