Sunday, December 3, 2017

Jesus and Mary - Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift- Sighted on Earth. A MIRACLE

Oh, thanks, Great Tweeters in the Cybersky, for alerting us to how BLESSED (pronounced, of course, BLESS-EDDD) we are this Holy Day season.

In some kind of cosmic miracle, like a solar eclipse only much more spiritual, the paths of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran MET, and they were ON STAGE TOGETHER. This was witnessed! Did they get a WITNESS? Sure did...thousands with their CELL PHONES RAISED ON HIGH! The proof of the EVENT has been PRESERVED (prounced of course, PRESERVE-EDDDD) via YouTube.

Yes, while The Bible could be wrong, or mis-translated, there's NO mistaking the true JOY TO THE WORLD for ALL PEOPLE (er, under 25).

NOT a mirage. A true MIRACLE that ACTUALLY HAPPENED! This could be the beginning of an entire series of BLESS-EDDD events. Justin Bieber singing with Selena Gomez, perhaps? Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey singing together without the stage collapsing? Paul and Ringo....nah, we've seen THAT, and it has NOT done much, has it?

PS, this tops Prince Harry and his amazing Mixed Race betrothed. They are just wedding cake figures who...CAN...NOT...SING. Not only that, they CAN...NOT...SING...THE...SAME...SONG...OVER...AND...OVER...AND...HAVE...PEOPLE...THINK...IT'S...NEW.

But really, what can anyone say when "OW WOW" and "Woo Hoo" say it best? You can figure for yourselves if Taylor is the "OW WOW" and Ed is the "Woo Hoo" or vice versa. This was a moment in history that rivals The Big Bang Theory or when a camcorder showed us Kim Kardashian having sex with some guy NOT famous for having a celebrity lawyer for father.

It may be just a theory, but the BIG BANG of Kim and "Ray J" led to a whole brave new world of reality shows and privacy invasion and porn as mainstream topics of joy. It can be argued (that's ARGUE-EDDD) that Kim Kardashian has, for some time now, been more on the minds of people around the globe than how the Earth was formed and if there's a higher power than Kris Jenner.

But, believe what you want. In the realm of positive thinking, there is proof that THE WORLD IS SAVED, AND THE WORLD WILL GO ON. TAYLOR SWIFT AND ED SHEERAN, together on stage! And here, on this blog, a post that actually mentions....


Look what you made me do, look what you made me do, look what you made me do...

"It's a MIRACLE!"

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