Tuesday, February 28, 2017


We all know the Millennial chant:


Let's follow the lead of Trump's pal PUTIN, and insist anything YOU create I CAN TAKE.

It's for the good of humanity. It's equality. It's FAIR.

As for the poor oppressed NIGGAS of HIP HOP. Let 'em "SAMPLE" what they please, YO.

"It's ALL Good."

"It's ALL Good" is the hip new version of the rather tongue-in-cheek and decadent, "All is permitted."

Sure, there's no question Kanye used somebody else's music. But he didn't STEAL anything. He was SHARING.

And Dayummmm, why should a guy as rich as Kanye SHARE the profits? After all, if it wasn't for Kanye, nobody would've heard those great 85 seconds!

Playing the "Copyright is Copy Wrong" game isn't restricted to a selfish asshole like Kanye.

Let's add corporate weasels like Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Devin Wenig (Ebay) and the charmers of Google.

They thrive on ignoring copyright, and making it difficult for rights owners to get justice.

On eBay, somebody can boldly duplicate photos of celebrities, put pdf-mobi-kindle-epub versions of Stephen Hawking or J.K. Rowing novels on a DVD, or chop the heads of stars and add porn bodies...and it's perfectly fine.

It's up to the "intellectual property rights" owners, or copyright or trademark owners, to complain. Guess what. The sellers don't have to return their ill-gotten profits, and they aren't even suspended.

In fact, somebody who has been caught Photoshopping porn images on the heads of a HALF DOZEN stars, is allowed to keep doing it to another 200, because eBay figures, "Just because a few complained, it doesn't mean the rest of his stuff is illegal. And no, we are JUST A VENUE, so we won't ask him for ANY LICENSING AGREEMENTS."

That's the state of copyright.

The more the Millennials are used to getting everything FREE (torrents, blogs, forums) the more common it becomes.

The more "artists" like Kanye "sample" or outright steal from other artists, the easier it is to shrug, "But everybody does it. It's cool."

Jimmy Webb didn't even get a Grammy nomination off a Kanye West theft. Jimmy wasn't even asking for money! Like any sad, pathetic artist these days, all he wanted was a "credit." He didn't get it.

Jimmy Webb is from another era, man. "Up up and away" referred to a balloon. Today, it refers to your copyright, intellectual property and royalties.

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