Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Has Rep. Ilhan Omar heard of SIMCHA ROTEM?

Ilhan Omar, she of the smooth make-up and the fashionable headgear, is now claiming she's "STANDING STRONG."

Meaning, that she has no plans to resign for her blatant anti-Semitism. It was all a mistake. An oversight. She'd like to sit down with Chelsea Clinton and others, and have a little chit-chat about why Jews don't have ALL the money and power in the world, and why BDS isn't such a lovely idea.

On the latter point, where her taste for watching Jews starve, she is hardly alone. Such well-fed rock stars as Roger Waters, Peter Gabriel and Patti Smith are bellowing along with her.

Did any of them note the passing, less than two months ago, of SIMCHA ROTEM?

Back in the 40's, he was just an ordinary young man. Do we need to know his religion?

In Poland, he was one of THREE MILLION Jews in the country. But, as Jews would discover in so many countries, the sudden tide of Nazism made them scapegoats. Made them prisoners starving in captivity. Made them rounded up for extermination.

Such is the history of the Jews, unlike any other group on Earth.

Simcha Rotem, among 400,000 surviving Jews, were imprisoned in what is now known as the "Warsaw Ghetto," a virtual prison, about one square mile, from which people were starved, and routinely picked off and sent to concentration camps. The BDS movement in Poland was brutal. Jews owned nothing. They starved.

As the Washington Examiner reported, in their obit on Mr. Rotem, the Jews in the ghetto "sought to maintain some semblance of normality in their nightmare-lives...schools...soup kitchens...these gestures toward humanity were doomed...Inhabitants were restricted to starvation rations. The only means of survival involved bartering or smuggling. Disease was rampant. In the summerof 1942...100,000 Jews in Warasw had already died of malnutrition or disease, deportations in the guise of "resettlement" commenced to the death camps..."

Simcha Rotem and some of his friends tried to find a way out.

They found the sewers.

"It was no pleasure to flounder in excrement, to smell the stench, but we had no choice...It was sometimes necessary to crawl on our bellies to get through..."

The literal light at the end of the tunnel came in 1946, when Simcha Rotem arrived in one of the very few, very small places on Earth that a Jew could feel safe. Palestine. It was there that he fought again, alongside those who wanted their homeland to be called ISRAEL.

And now? Ilhan Omar justifies Tweets about the BDS movement, and how the Jews should be starved out of their only homeland, the only "Jewish State" in the world, a sliver of a sandbox which is constantly under attack from anti-Semites. From terrorist groups throwing bombs at women and children to gigantic countries such as Iran threatening nuclear destruction, Israel is hardly a paradise.

But for Simcha Rotem it was home.

He was the last known survivor of the "Warsaw Ghetto," and the last who could say, from experience, that IT HAPPENED. Do not deny that it HAPPENED.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, late of Somalia, now a proud member of Congress in America, would have Israel experience the terrors of the Warsaw Ghetto, and have the Jews starved out. Starvation was something Simcha Rotem knew well in Poland. He crawled through the sewers to reach Israel and find a new life in "The Jewish State." Such a thing angers Rep. Ilhan Omar. She has stated there shouldn't BE such a thing. BDS should put an end to Israel. Jews who are STILL persecuted in France, Germany, and all over Europe, and who want to come to Israel? They can go to hell?

Their parents and grandparents have already been there.

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