Tuesday, February 26, 2019

WANG and DONG in Robert Kraft prostitution bust - "Me Tu?" Who had the Raping Yen?

Ah. Let's not laugh TOO hard.

A woman named WANG and a woman named DONG were arrested as massage parlor whores.

And, for Spoonerism fans, there was YAPING REN, who one assumes was hired by more violent johns who had a raping yen. Or, wanted to pay big yen for rape fantasies.

What, there was no Asian woman named ME TU?

The arrest of horny old Robert Kraft, of the much hated New England Patriots, points up something interest. I mean, beyond the fact that he could afford high priced call girls like Eliot Spitzer bought, but preferred to risk an STD with ordinary massage parlor whores.

The self-righteous news reports all declared that the police had every reason to bust ASIAN massage parlors because...gasp...

....THEY are involved in SEX TRAFFICKING.

Meanwhile, doesn't the #METOO movement and the #TIMESUP bunch, and all the radical feminist parade rally behind sex workers?

Don't they insist that prostitution is a victimless crime, and that women have every right to squeeze as much money out of men as they can?

Don't they believe that men paying for sex is part of a woman's POWER?

Don't they insist that whores be known as "SEX WORKERS?"

Don't they want it all to be legalized?

But here, the spin is that the girls in the ASIAN massage parlors (not the white and black and Latina women who work in plenty of OTHER massage parlors) aren't doing it by choice.

They were imported and duped into "the life."

Really? There's a difference between a black, white or Latina prostitute sucking off Richard Kraft for $100, and an Asian doing it? You think ANY of them are doing it because they LIKE their work?

At best, beating some guy's meat for $50, and taking under five minutes to do it, beats minimum wage at Burger King, doesn't it? "Sex workers" would say YES.

The spin doctoring (or, rather, NURSING, since the feminists are doing it) is that prostitution is now suddenly evil and sex workers are all exploited.

Remember when feminists merely thought it would be nice if the johns got arrested along with the hookers, and were ALSO named and shamed? Not good enough that Robert Kraft is now known as not only a dirty old man, but a cheap one, too?

The justification for beating the drum about Robert Kraft is that he's white and right. And everyone hates the New England Patriots.

The hypocrisy is using the "women are abused" dodge, when they wouldn't if Kraft had been carrying on in a massage parlor full of white women being abused by a Mafia Don, or black women abused by some pimp who is so heartless he still wears fur.

Meanwhile, the photo above...the women are NAMED AND SHAMED. That's a very mixed message coming from the feminists. As mixed as the fact it's ok for a woman to give away sex in return for a ticket to a rock concert with some guy she'll probably not date till he coughs up ANOTHER expensive ticket, but it's not ok for a woman to simply make it a cash business transaction.

The Florida cops were hovering over the Asian massage parlors because they were THAT upset about imports from China using their vaginas? Or was it because they knew they'd nab a high-profile guy like Kraft?

The Florida cops could've invaded crack dens, meth labs or the underpasses crawling with dangerous and armed felons.

Mr. Kraft, the lesson is to pay $1,000 to a white girl you found via an ad on the "Freedom of Speech" internet.

Feminists...try and figure out which side of the bidet you want to stand. Is prostitution ok and a woman's right to use her body as she wants, or is it not? And does it depend on who her pimp might be? If we're talking about who the abusing pimp is who takes more money than he deserves, we are ALL being abused by a pimp named Uncle Sam, who lords over the I.R.S.

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