Monday, February 11, 2019

Ilhan Omar - Radical Muslim Jew-Hater has "apologized", she really hasn't

Power corrupts. Don't we KNOW that by now?

As soon as somebody gets some power, the BULLY comes out. In this case, we have someone newly elected to Congress who starts doing what Trump does, and spending too much time on Twitter. As in shouting about how politicians pay attention to Jewish lobbyists with money.

Yes, somebody in Congress, born in Somali (the country that has been forgiven for the Somali pirates terrorizing passing ships) is declaring that Jewish money is helping Israel remain a country (when, what, it should either by wiped off the Earth or given to the Palestinians? Why the hashtag #Palestine, lady?)

She is also on record as telling voters that she supports BDS and sanctions against Israel.

People were ecstatic that THE FIRST MUSLIM WOMAN was elected to Congress. OH HAPPY DAY! ALLAH BE PRAISED!

Only this woman was praising ALLAH and hoping ALLAH would get the job done against Israel:

Rep. Omar wasn't asking other members of Congress for help. She wasn't even asking all those lovable Arabs in the Middle East for help. She didn't even go to the U.N. which so often rules against Israel.

She went to her invisible friend ALLAH.

All that you need do in America, IF you write something vicious against people who aren't known for violence, is shrug and offer a mealy-mouthed "apology."

So we got:

"It’s now apparent to me that (it MIGHT be an) anti-semitic trope I unknowingly used, which is unfortunate and offensive."

Ah, how unfortunate. Not unfortunate enough for her to resign like Senator Al Franken who merely posted a jokey photo, and may have touched somebody's ass during a crowded photoshoot.

Still Tweeting and Tweeting, the Muuslim insisted rich Jews were lobbying and all their "Benjamins" placed on the table or in the back pockets of politicians, were letting Israel get away with bullying, abuse, and "hypnotizing" the world into thinking that Jews should have a homeland.

Somehow, she left ALLAH out of it this time.

Why? Surely, Allah is all powerful and COULD wipe Israel off the face of the globe, as easily as that Christian God drowned the world for 40 days and 40 nights.

Allah could blow up all he banks and burn ONLY the money in the vaults of the Jews.

Allah can do anything and everything. He's not just off somewhere beyond Uranus, uptight and outta sight. He's HERE. He sees ALL. He listens to prayers, just like the other unvisibles that other religious fanatics pray to.

Isn't it a bit disturbing when religion and politics mix?

When somebody who dresses in Muslim garb and got elected for being Muslim, instantly starts attacking Jews? And the Jewish homeland?

She gets in power and she abuses it. She abuses it in a way different from older, more reasonable politicians.

Can any of us can remember how often a President started a message with "JESUS...please do what you can about Hitler...Saddam...Kim...Putin..."

Strangely, Omar's Tweets about Jewish lobbyists and the stereotype of "Jewish money" being behind everything powerful, got more attention than the one where she was hoping ALLAH would get Israel. That one got little attention a few weeks ago, and her mild apology was enough.

Nancy Pelosi and Chelsea Clinton weren't huffing about THAT one. Just the "Jewish money" crack.

How a feminist like Omar feels about some aspects of Islam, such as terrorists being rewarded with virgins, I have no idea.

Omar batted her big brown eyes and decared of Chelsea Clinton (who married a Jew) is that she's willing to have a "discussion" about the "trope" of anti-semitic rhetoric. Oh, how nice, one always enjoys a meaningful discussion of tropes when the Zeitgeist of the threnody has undergone a level change.

What has never changed is that people in power abuse it. Ain't no man righteous, not one. And no WOMAN either.

This past year, the media was gushing about how many WOMEN were elected to office in America. MORE of that. Why? Reverse sexism.

WOMEN in power makes sense because WOMEN are mothers, and WOMEN are kind, and WOMEN are gentle.

Just look at Marie Antoinette. Countess Bathory. Margaret Thatcher. Imelda Marcos.


Just not if you're Jewish. Then again, as we've known for well over 2,000 years, Jews don't really have any rights. They don't deserve a homeland. Not even a few reservations where they might make some casino money.

Indians can make casino money. But oh those Jews. We all know they still have ALL the money (not the oil-rich Arabs of the Middle East) and they use it to...uh...hold onto a sliver of sand that is constantly being bombarded by bombs and threatened with extinction. Meanwhile the oil-rich Arabs barely allow women like OMAR to drive a car or vote.

Omar apologized for the suggestion that Jews have had an influence in lobbying for Israel.

She added that, gee, come to think of it, lobbyists should watch it, whoever they are lobbying for. It's SUCH a shame there's so much LOBBYING going on.

She then brought up the NRA, which is an American issue. She suggested that there's too much lobbying in general. But specifically, she went after a fairly minor Jewish group that, by comparison with other lobbyists, was not offering a whole lotta BENJAMINS.

In her meandering apology, the 37 year-old touched on something that she damn well should've known already: that WHATEVER you are, SOMEBODY is going to hate you because of it.

Here's the non-apology:

The question is whether the Jew-haters of the world will let this go, and NOT go back and take a second look at her ALLAH, please help us against ISRAEL squealing.

Israel HYPNOTIZES the world? Let's just say Israel is not exactly Kreskin. Israel hasn't hypnotized Patty Smith, Roger Waters or Peter Gabriel, the sensitive artists-poets-singers who want the Jews there to starve to death with BDS sanctions.

Israel hasn't hypnotized the Middle East nations in allowing one of its tennis players to be allowed in a tournament, or a beauty contest winner to say hello to any Muslim contestant.

Israel hasn't hypnotized the lovable Palestinians into not being terrorists lobbing bombs at women and children, or hiding their munitions in schools or hospitals.

Israel hasn't hypnotized the Academy Awards or Grammy Awards people into making sure there are more Jewish nominees, or movies or songs that have a Jewish theme. It's been a long time since "Exodus" and "Schindler's List."

Can you imagine if Donald Trump declared that he wished JESUS would do something about Mexico?

But Omar can ask ALLAH to do something about Israel, and she has YET to apologize for her religious fanaticism and dangerous jeering and hateful rhetoric.

She once complained that Israel is called a "Jewish" state: "I see Israel institute laws that recognize it as a Jewish state and does not recognize the other religions that are living in it."

She doesn't understand that Jews are stating they have a HOMELAND, after all those years of being settlers who got kicked out of the countries they emigrated to, and were victims of pogroms and genocide? If they can't live peacefully as Jews in Russia or Germany or Poland or France how about...ISRAEL. HEAR, OH ISRAEL. The country that the Christian Pat Boone wrote the "Exodus" lyrics for: "This land is mine, God gave this land to me."

French is the official language of France. "The Jewish" State is Israel. "The Hoosier State" is Illinois. "The Big Apple" is New York City, which isn't to say that oranges aren't allowed.

Smug Omar snickered that Israel, which does allow anyone to live there, and is a "Holy Land" where Christians come to see important sites, is no democracy:

“And we still uphold it as a democracy in the Middle East I almost chuckle because I know that if we see that any other society we would criticize it, call it out...I see that now happening with Saudi Arabia and so I am aggravated, truly, in those contradictions.”

Saudi Arabia, whose people destroyed the World Trade Center, and who kill journalists, and who don't give women their rights. Omar is busy growling that Israel calls itself "The Jewish State" because it is predominantly Jewish, and is a safe haven, for example, for the latest victims of pogroms in various areas in and around Russia, and for thousands of French Jews who no longer feel safe in that country.

No apologies for her twisted views of Israel compared with the lethal and intolerant countries America has warred with, such as Iraq and Iran, or the countries America tolerates because of BIG OIL, such as Saudi Arabia.

She apologized only for going to far on the touchy subject of Jews having "all the money" and using it to keep people down. Odd isn't it, that for such an influential people, the Jews have had to flee so many countries, and continue to have the highest rate of bias crimes against them wherever they go. How come they haven't bought off the cops and the politicians who ignore or even encourage the attacks?

The sad line buried in her apology: "....I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity."

That's the tragedy. She should know better.

Once you've encountered prejudice, you should be able to see that just as YOU don't like it, you shouldn't do it to others. But, hey, we know that a lot of pedophiles were abused as children. They're excuse is that they're too busy getting even to be reasonable.

Omar? If you know that the word MUSLIM brings fear and loathing to some people, because it connotes unreasonable fanaticism, and blowing shit up, then you should ALSO know that pointing a finger at someone for NOT believing in ALLAH is just as ignorant and destructive. Declaring ISRAEL (not not North Korea, China, or Putinville) should get ALLAH' attention is extremely flagrant in its racism.

Why the demonizing of a few Jews with money, when most of the people who have money are NOT Jewish? Most banks are NOT run by Jews. Amazon is run by Jeff Bezos, who is NOT your typical crafty Jewish businessman.

What would happen if a Jewish member of Congress complained that the ARABS are so powerful, a journalist's murder remains unpunished?

Why hasn't Omar pointed out the very strong influence the Saudis have, to the point of deflecting blame for 9/11?

American currency says "IN GOD WE TRUST," but not "IN JESUS WE TRUST."

Here's somebody calling on ALLAH to get involved in politics, specifically the JEWISH STATE. A few weeks later, the same person spreads the harmful stereotype of creepy Jews having all the money and controlling the world. That guy Haddid, who made his daughters into superstars because he bought them powerful publicists. He's a landlord, yes. Jewish? No. The Kardashians aren't Jewish. The people keeping women from voting or having equal rights, or not having their genitalia circumcised...NOT Jewish. Google the biggest banks and most powerful corporations and you won't see too many Jewish names. The Jews weren't behind the murder of a journalist in their embassy, and they didn't blow up the World Trade Center. So what happens when you accuse Jews and only Jews, over and over, and you don't do the same thing to any other religious group? Not much.

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