Thursday, February 14, 2019

Hashtag... "Confucius NEVER said..."

Yeah, another #hashtag game I couldn't resist.

Let's play comedy writer. Think up something for...

...something Confucius DID NOT SAY...

OK, this one got an almost immediate "Ancient Wisdom Point" -- which doesn't translate into a yen.

Another one I did climbed from three, to ten, to twenty, and on and on LIKES -- which ALSO doesn't translate into a yen.

Gotta love social media (not a lot) for wasting time AND giving you an idea of what's out there.

I actually got a few troll calls on this one. Some good Liberal soul declared that YELLOWFACE was BAD.

Er, yeah.

And another re-tweeted to complain about racism.

Duh. I did bother to explain to them that this was what "Confucius NEVER said." First off, he was dead long before Peter Sellers did his goofy Asian movie characters, and second, he would NEVER want himself portrayed that way. That was the joke, son.

OK, 1% didn't get it. As Carson used to say "it comes with the territory."

The other day Kevin Pollak mentioned how aggravating it is when ONE person in the audience yawns, or sit there with a grim expression. "It all goes..." he made a motion with his hand, downward. Instead of enjoying ALL the people who LIKE the joke, you feel the nagging needle over the one prick who didn't get it.

In this case, it was two, because aside from people who just don't happen to laugh at a joke, the number doubles thanks to some self-righteous sourpuss who is spoiling for a reason to complain. A member of the Comic Thought Police. Seriously, let's make sure ALL humor is inoffensive!

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