Sunday, September 16, 2018

"I Voted For the WOMEN!" "You're Right! Men have made a MESS of the world!"

The primaries last Thursday had tons of birdbrains Tweeting, "I voted all WOMEN!"

We're told that there's no such thing as reverse-racism or reverse-sexism, so let's call it what it really is, then: bigotry. Plain, old fashioned stupid bigotry. Naive, idiotic self-congratulating assholery.

America did pretty well with the "Founding FATHERS." Jefferson wasn't a complete jerk, was he? He came up with some "sensitive" ideas about independence. Thomas Paine. Ben Franklin. John Adams. Want to take George Washington off the dollar bill for the sake of diversity? Put Martha Washington on there instead?

The triumphant sexism of some women is to preen and smirk about only voting for women, and various emasculated and effeminate men, and men with Mommy issues, go along with it, happy to drink some feminine peach fizz at a party, and announce, "I voted ALL WOMEN!!"

First off, SOMEBODY voted for Cuomo, unfortunately, and SOMEBODY voted for Bill De Lousio. New York State and New York City are both in the hands of useless political hacks. Cuomo can't get infrastructure fixed unless he names it for his father. THE MARIO CUOMO BRIDGE. As for De Lousio, he promised the FIRST thing he'd do as mayor was get rid of the cruel horse-drawn carriages in Central Park. I guess he went back to being a bull-headed bullshitting MALE and shrugging, "So? So I made a promise?"

But more importantly, it's doubtful that a woman would do any better. Very doubtful. Here's a MEME you can throw up on Facebook or throw up on Twitter. Or, you can just throw up.

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