Saturday, September 15, 2018

When you think "HENRI BENDEL" you don't think PORN SLUT - So, THEY ARE CLOSING

Audrey Hepburn is dead. And New York is becoming Kansas.

Just another inconvenient truth of our time, is that we no longer have fashionable "INTELLIGENT" women for role models. The days of Audrey Hepburn and Jackie Kennedy are long dead.

Today, we have gruesome media whores built on slut notoriety and big money. That would be dynasties of Kardashians and Jenners, and the foul Hadid family who have a rich Hadiddy-Daddy a rich Arab real estate mogul.

At one time, the lady of taste would shop Fifth Avenue, and that would certainly include Henri Bendel before or after the ladies lunched. Yes, they are going out of business. Look at that TASTEFUL storefront. We can't have THAT, dear. You can't twerk in there.

That storefront isn't as inviting as an open mall, is it?

You can't walk in there, chomping on your Big Whopper, and expect anything but glares. You and your 7 foot-tall pimp-like basketball player or football player boyfriend would get stares.

Henri Bendel hasn't been Henri Bendel for quite a while. Like most every once-prestigious company, it's been bought and sold. It's owned by an ADD company that can't have an elaborate, hard-to-pronounce name like BENDEL or BERGDORF. They are called "L Brands." Make that "LB" for extra short. The Kardashian and Hadid mentality can't handle anything unless it's simple. Hell, McDonalds is too difficult for the mongrel Millennials so it's called "Mickey D's."

The Big Business company booting Bendel says it's done it "to improve company profitability and focus on our larger brands that have greater growth potential." And what might those companies be? Victoria's Secret and Bath & Body Works.

LB is a Trump-like, Bezos-like outfit, not concerned with class. They made $12 BILLION, and they seethed at Bendel's mere $85 million. LOSERS! Bendel stores are LOSERS!

Why, the nearest Bendel has gotten to the kind of model with the same shit-brown eyes as Kim Kardashian, or the same brainless stare as a Hadid, is THIS rather modest specimen:

WHERE O WHERE is the inflated and half-exposed bust and giant ass? How come we don't see tattoos? Where's the garish lipstick and fingernail polish? This female seems like she MIGHT be able to end a sentence without making it sound like a question? This female might actually talk without gasp-croaking the last few words out of sheer exhaustion. This female is no longer going to make money posing with Bendel stuff.

My late friend Steve Allen had a word for all this: DUMBTH. That's the dumbing down of the culture. Culture? The only culture in most of these idiot Millennials who worship Kardashians, Jenners and Hadids, is the culture in their diet yogurt.

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