Wednesday, September 12, 2018

So where's the #MEJEW Movement??

People were losing their minds over a caricature of Serena Williams. She argued a simple rule violation when her coach was caught trying to signal her. Later on, when she was losing badly, threw her racquet and got another warning. The cartoonist captured that moment of meltdown bad behavior. But oooh, HE RACIST.

You see, in doing a caricature, you accentuate the features. That includes ethnic features. Could he have deliberately made the Afro puff smaller? The lips thinner? He could have, but in less humorless and witch-hunt-PC times, it wouldn't have been a big deal. If his target had been a JEW, it wouldn't have been an issue at all.

Anyone saying that these cartoons of Woody Allen are antisemitic?

Here's something else to ponder. What if Tyler Perry was accused of "inappropriate touching" by one girl decades ago? Do you think he would've had actors in his movies sorrowfully donating their money to #metoo? Do you think he would have his latest movie shelved? Do you think he'd be told he could never work again?

No, the media would've said, "Don't be racist against the black man. There were no charges filed. Innocent until proven guilty. He has a spotless record aside from this ONE complaint, and the complaint was made during a time when he had split from an angry and vengeful partner who wanted to ruin him."

There's one rule for WOMEN. Or BLACKS. And another for JEWS. It's the one that got Al Franken to resign from office. "Hey, you JEW, your hand touched a woman's waist as you tried to get her to hurry up and take her goddam selfie and go away. Hey, you JEW, you're a comedian and you DARED to do a gag photo where you pretended to touch the breasts OF A FULLY CLOTHED WOMAN! GET OUT OF HERE."

"That goes for you, too, TAMBOR. You're a famous, egocentric celebrity who put the make on some woman while on the set? You're not Charlie Sheen, you JEW. That's the worst, most vicious form of abuse on the planet. Coming on to somebody clumsily. GET THEE OUT, JEW."

Easy to do. No #MEJEW movement. One of the most persecuted minorities in the history of the world has no "Movement" to help them. At best, they've got the ADL and the Wiesenthal Center. As in, "There will be a letter in the Times about this. And from a rabbi." As in, "We highly protest the latest bombing...tombstone sacrilege...malicious libel..."

Today's news showed the difference between the #METOO success and the failure of a #MEJEW group to stand up for a real minority...the one that was thrown out of most every country on Earth, and had no homeland like the giant continent of Africa or South America, or miles upon miles of oil-rich desert in the Middle East. The minority group that had 8 million shot, poisoned, gassed and murdered less than 100 years ago.

Today, the 13th of September, the puppy Jimmy Fallon was too scared to let Norm MacDonald appear on “The Tonight Show.” How DARE Norm say that Louis CK losing his work and millions of dollars might be traumatic? The puppy apologized to Norm but said, in essence, he just couldn't be a man and book him and let him talk about the controversy. Talk? On a talk show? When there's #METOO???

Today, rat-toothed Eric Trump ranted that Bob Woodward’s new book was just sensationalism written to make “3 shekels.” He was saying that the JEWS who control publishing (as they control the banks and the entertainment world) were willing to publish anything that could make even "3 shekels" because that's how the cheap Jews are. Either that, or Trump figured Bob Woodward was as Jewish as former partner Carl Bernstein.

Reverberation today were still being felt for that caricature of Serena Williams. A newspaper as widely condemned for reprinting it on the front page and suggesting there was something wrong wth the humorless, Fascistic PC agenda.

Reverberation today was still felt over Colin Kaepernick, who took a knee, and then two million dollars from Nike, a company that essentially says that economically, they'll pander to blacks and not care if whites boycott them. Jews? Jews don't play sports, do they? They all look like Woody Allen.

You ever hear of the planet Krypton? In a story written by...yes...TWO ordinary fellow from this dying planet was sent by rocket to Earth. Thanks to the difference in the air, or the water, or whatever, this illegal alien had super powers. He was, on Earth: SUPERMAN. Technically, he could've looked like Woody Allen. It's not muscle that makes SUPERMAN immune to bullets and bombs. And yet, the two JEWS decided to make SUPERMAN look like a muscular white guy.

Every movie SUPERMAN has been a muscular white guy. But today, with the latest one no longer considered so super...who do you think everyone wants to be the new SUPERMAN? Of course NOT A JEW. That would be too radical. It would be too DIVERSE. It would send the wrong message. There's no #MEJEW movement to even suggest such a thing.

The new SUPERMAN must be BLACK:

And so it is, that the ONLY nation on Earth that the world wants to sanction is Israel. Not North Korea. Not Russia. Not any European country that has used ethnic cleansing. Not Syria. Not the Middle East where Coptic Christian churches are sacked and Jews are denied the chance to even appear in a Dubai tennis tournament. So it is, that Woody Allen can get the pitchforks and the torches and the witch hunt and not get a movie released. So it is, that any caricature of Woody Allen is not antisemitic but any caricature of a Black or a Woman or a Muslim has to be sexist and/or racist.

The President of the United States declared that skinhead Nazis include some very nice people.

1 comment:

  1. You are using my copyrighted commercial image of Woody Allen. I am reporting you to Google for violating my copyrights. It's illegal and you are a thief!!
