Monday, September 17, 2018

PC is "PRETTY CRAPPY" - as Seseme Street characters are WIPED OFF PAMPERS DIAPERS as SEXIST

What next, "Tickle me Elmo" will be considered a pedophile phrase, and get banned?

"Cookie Monster" will be retired for promoting bad eating habits?

PAMPERS has decided that Seseme Street characters are horrible and sexist and are not even fit to be SHAT on.

Through some horrible quirk, a majority of Seseme Street characters are male.

NONE of them actually have a PENIS, they appear to be male.

Hmmm, is it possible, just POSSIBLE, that they are really WOMEN who simply IDENTIFY as male? WOULD THAT BE OK, PAMPERS???

With support from the #mePoo movement, and they do a lot of them, PAMPERS has backed away from such masculine characters as "Big Bird" (that thing is male?) or Bert and Ernie, who were treated with cheers when they were announced as gay.

We all know that one of the most famous Muppets of all time is female: Miss Piggy, but really, when is it flattering to call a female a pig, even if she is one? That's pork shaming. Or something.

You don't want any more of these gags, do you? OK. But really, the makers of excretion gags, which prevent all that stuff from ending up on the floor, should get their shit together and not piss off NORMAL people who don't see anything wrong with Seseme Street characters' sexuality.

Again, most of them don't even HAVE sexuality.

PS, PAMPERS, you racists. You stone cold racists.

Almost ALL the Seseme Street characters are "of color."

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