Thursday, September 13, 2018


Is this so far from the truth? No. It is NOT.

The primary race for New York State Attorney General was about race and gender. All four candidates were pretty much the same. The upstate guy was a little more conservative. Only one of the candidates (the white woman) actually is a lawyer and has the credentials to be an attorney general. "Tish" James, who inherited the do-nothing job of "public advocate" from do-nothing mayor Bill De Lousio, was famous for triumphantly getting a statue of a caring, innovative white doctor removed from Central Park because of ridiculous "he a racist" allegations that, in this PC witch-hunt times, nobody bothered to defend. Besides, he's long dead.

Today's Daily News did not talk about what made these candidates politically different. All they could do was chortle that, finally, this important office would be handed to somebody who sucks cock, or has a vagina. Oh yes, and in two cases, that would be a black vagina. Hooorayy! That's what we want. DIVERSITY. Not competence. What we want is superficial crap about skin color or sexual orientation. Not qualifications.

The ATTORNEY GENERAL is a sensitive and specialized office. The person should know the law, and what can or can't be done legally. The person should have the fierce drive to fight corruption and not give a pass to political cronies. Those qualities aren't too important anymore.

One thing that's important is that the Attorney General not be a JEW. In fact, NO city official should be a JEW.

You know THAT tribe. Bright people. We know that. Super-driven after 2,000 years of staying alive despite persecution all over the globe. And, hey, super horny, because if you're not super horny, you won't keep the tribe going for 2,000 years!

The previous Attorney General, lauded for being a tough guy, was the Jew Eric Schneiderman. He was forced out of office for being a horny Jew. Likewise, Elliot Spitzer, another tough guy who vowed to prosecute all corrupt assholes, especially on Wall Street, had sex with a prostitute. He was forced out of office. And let's not even mention Wiener, the guy with the comical name, who was such a putz he went on line as "Carlos Danger," showing his dangler way too often. He not only quit the mayor's race, he's now in jail.

The Daily News didn't go so far as to be antisemitic about this, but they did suggest that the GREATEST THING about the new Attorney General (in NY State a Republican rarely has a chance) is...GAY! BLACK! WOMAN! BLACK WOMAN!

And you thought ISSUES mattered. Or competence. Or integrity.

Today's New York politicians don't do anything. Perhaps it's the safest way to stay in office. DON'T DO ANYTHING.

Andrew "The Howler Monkey" Cuomo keeps the Status Cuomo. He hasn't done anything in years. All he does is howl when there's a train wreck. He goes to the scene, glares balefully, and howls into the microphone about how terrible the incident was, and how "we must do better!" How we DO better, he doesn't know. Howler monkeys are not the smartest of primates.

One thing Andrew Cuomo did was get the Tappan Zee Bridge re-named for his father, the do-nothing Governor Mario Cuomo. Can anyone name anything Mario Cuomo did? Besides feud with Ed Koch? And look depressed? No. And now, with the Tappan Zee re-named, there's even less evidence that the Dutch were in New York and did anything useful.

Italians? Hell yes. In the great tradition of Fiorella LaGuardia, it's still sort of helpful to be an Italian politician. That is changing, in favor of Black and Latino politicians (why not, as Brooklyn for example has as many Blacks and Latinos as Whites, and White Italians would be a minority). A sign of just how useful it is to have an Italian last name, is Mayor De Lousio, who actually was born with a GERMAN last name. Changing it, was actually the last thing he ever did in his life that took any effort.

He skidded into being Mayor, after his do-nothing job as "Public Advocate," because the rest of the competition imploded, with sexual scandals and alleged criminal activities by either themselves or people close to them. David Letterman, who was fond of Mayor Bloomberg, NEVER had De Lousio on his show, and said that the only thing remarkable about him was that "he's freakishly tall."

That's not the only thing. He also has a freakish, Capybara-like head. He also played the race card by running ads featuring his Afro-haired son. He also had his black wife by his side when stumping in any neighborhood "of color." He claimed that the first thing he'd do when elected, the VERY FIRST THING HE'D DO, was get the cruel horse-drawn carriages out of Central Park.

They are still there.

Every now and then, I get a brochure from a politician in my district, and she describes what's been going on. It's almost always, "NOTHING." She apologizes that her colleagues won't put through any laws, won't change anything, table useful legislation, and gum up the works. Why? Apparently it's because there's not enough of a majority of Democrats or Republicans, and to vote for somebody else's bill might make the other party look good. Can't have THAT.

Should THIS politician be voted out because she can't get anything done? Nah. She helps old people find out where they can go to get a free lunch. She'll advise on free activities at the local library. Another of her putzy colleagues sometimes gives away free flashlights "in case of a blackout." That's the least they can do. It sure is. And don't expect them to "reach out" to Sanitation, the Police, or other city agencies who also aren't doing their job.

What can be said about Governor Cuomo? Doing nothing IS laudable. He hasn't given a pardon to Mark David Chapman. Thank you, Andy. What can be said for the mayor, for most of the other elected officials? If you're not on the take, thank you. But most of you have done plenty of favors for people who donated, right? And landmark buildings, even CHURCHES, are being knocked down in New York City to make way for expensive high rise apartments for sheiks and hedge fund weasels.

The new Attorney General will likely not get anything done, but, like the junior Senator, Krusty Jellybrain, or whatever her name is, be a grand symbol of not being a white man or, worse, a white male Jew.

Sen. Chuck Schumer...even if you keep your dick in your pants, YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED. "We want AMY...we want AMY...she has a VAGINA...she has a VAGINA...and she's FAT! No more FAT SHAMING! NO MORE FAT SHAMING! AMY SCHUMER FOR SENATOR..."

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